Centre for Research in Race and Education (CRRE), at the University of Birmingham, are honoured to welcome back Professor Michael W. Apple, John Bascom Professor Emeritus of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies University of Wisconsin, Madison and Professorial Fellow University of Manchester.


For all of the well-deserved attention that is given to neoliberal agendas and policies, to privatization and choice plans, to audit cultures and standardization,

Attention must continue to paid just as much to the actual stuff that is taught—and the “absent presences” of what is not taught—in schools. These struggles over dominant meanings are crucial elements in social transformations.

A major question here is whether dominant knowledge itself can be used to actually interrupt dominance.

Focus will be paid to two examples of these critically democratic attempts involving minoritized groups and on the contradictions and victories they produce. All are welcomed.

The lecture takes place on Wednesday 2nd November (5-7pm) in the Lecture Theatre G03, The Alan Walters Building (R29).