A new website showcasing events and activities for children and young people in Wolverhampton is being launched with a free family fun day at Molineux Stadium. About Youth has been developed by Wolverhampton Police and includes details of everything from sports and youth club sessions to arts, crafts and music.
It will be officially unveiled at a special fun day in the WV1 Restaurant at Molineux Stadium on Saturday 20 February, 2016, from 11am-3pm, featuring arts and crafts, games and storytelling. Visitors will also get the chance to have a go at various sports and tackle the Wolf Mountain climbing wall.
PC Joe Trusselle, from Wolverhampton Police, said: "There is so much going on in Wolverhampton for children and young people, and About Youth will give them a one-stop-shop to find out what is happening in their neighbourhood.
"It's really easy to use – people simply log on and put in their postcode and they will find events and activities taking place near where they live. They can also search for events by the type of activity, such as sports or arts and crafts.
"Any groups and organisations which work with children and young people can post their events free of charge on the website, and as more providers come aboard, the list will grow and grow.
“We’re looking forward to introducing people to About Youth at the free family fun day at Molineux Stadium on 20 February.”
About Youth has been funded by Wolverhampton Police, Wolverhampton Homes and Catch 22, with support from Wolves Community Trust and the City of Wolverhampton Council.
Councillor Val Gibson, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “We welcome the launch of this fantastic new website, which highlights the many different activities there are for children and young people across Wolverhampton.”
To find out more, please visit www.aboutyouth.org.uk.