Colors: Purple Color

Peter Crowther has become the first person to purchase a vehicle from Motorpoint through the Clean Air Zone Vehicle Scrappage and Travel Scheme. The UK’s largest independent car retailer, which has branches in Aston and Oldbury, was recently selected by Birmingham City Council to help deliver the £10m Clean Air Zone Vehicle Scrappage and Travel Scheme. 

Under the scheme, which went live on May 12, people who work in the zone and earn less than £30,000 per annum, will now be able to scrap their vehicle with Motorpoint. In exchange, they will receive £2,000 credit towards a compliant vehicle. And Peter, who works within the Faculty of Arts, Design and Media at Birmingham City University, became the first person in the West Midlands to take advantage of the scheme to buy himself a Skoda Fabia to use to commute between home in Willenhall and work in Central Birmingham.

“I’ve had my Nissan Note for about five years,” explained 29-year-old Peter, “during which time I’ve done over 100,000 miles with work, firstly with BBC WM and then, more recently, 5Live in Salford. However, it was getting close to its MOT and I knew I would have to spend a lot of money to get it to pass, and I didn’t think it was worth it given its value.

“Then I heard about the scheme and I would be lying if I said that the £2,000 credit towards a new car wasn’t a factor in deciding to change now as it has really helped in terms of affordability. Ironically, whilst this is the third car that I have owned, this will be the first that I have actually bought from a dealer, as the other two were through family and friends, but the experience has been really good with everyone at Motorpoint being really helpful throughout.”

Peter added: “I am really happy to have taken advantage of the Clean Air Zone Vehicle Scrappage and Travel Scheme and get on the road with a much newer and a much cleaner car, especially one from Motorpoint which also comes with the rest of the manufacturer’s warranty, giving me added peace of mind.”

The Birmingham’s Clean Air Zone goes live on June 1, 2021. From this date the owners of vehicles that do not meet the emission standards of the Clean Air Zone will be subject to a daily fee of £8 to enter the zone. The Clean Air Zone is an area of Birmingham city centre inside the A4540 Middleway (but not the Middleway itself).

Kevin Cartwright, General Manager of Motorpoint Birmingham and Oldbury, added: “We’re delighted to see our first customer drive off the forecourt in their new car through the Clean Air Zone Vehicle Scrappage and Travel Scheme. Peter really couldn’t have been happier. His Skoda Fabia is not only fully Clean Air Zone compliant ahead of June 1 but offers a level of comfort, reliability and low running costs that he didn’t enjoy previously, and which I am sure he will appreciate in the coming weeks and months.”

Motorpoint currently has over hundreds of low mileage, nearly new cars and light commercial vehicles available from over 30 different manufacturers at its branches in the West Midlands – all of which are fully Clean Air Zone compliant. Every vehicle from Motorpoint comes with the balance of manufacturer’s warranty backed by the Motorpoint Price Promise. This means Motorpoint will refund the difference to any customer within seven days of their order if they find the same car cheaper from a competitor.

As a bonus, it will also give the customer £50 worth of Amazon vouchers to spend. Plus, as part of the company’s on-going COVID-19 safeguarding processes, all vehicle collections will be completed in specially designated areas to always guarantee social distancing while an online portal means the car buying experience is completely paperless with customers able to sign for their new car using their mobile phone.

The unemployment rate for Black and minority ethnic (BME) workers in the West Midlands has risen at six times the speed of the unemployment rate for white workers over the last year, according to a new TUC analysis of official statistics. 

The analysis was published as the TUC takes part in a week of campaigning on racial equality to mark the first anniversary of George Floyd’s murder. 

BME unemployment in the West Midlands. The TUC analysis of figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveals that in the West Midlands, the BME unemployment rate rocketed from 5.5% to 12.1% between the final quarter of 2019 and the final quarter of 2020.  

Over the same period, the white unemployment rate increased from 4.1% to 4.9%. That means 1 in 8 BME workers in the West Midlands are now unemployed, compared to 1 in 25 white workers. Nationally, the BME unemployment rate nationally shot up from 5.8% to 9.5%, while the unemployment rate for white workers rose from 3.4% to 4.5%. 

The TUC suggests the West Midlands may have seen such a high increase in BME unemployment because of a higher concentration in the region of the kinds of jobs that BME people often do, and that have been lost in the pandemic – like retail and hospitality. 

TUC Regional Secretary Lee Barron said: “Everyone deserves a decent and secure job. But Covid-19 has held a mirror up to the discrimination in our labour market. 

“BME workers in the West Midlands have really felt the impact of the pandemic. They’ve been more likely to have lost their jobs – working in industries like hospitality and retail that have been hit hard by unemployment. When they've kept their jobs, we know that they are more likely to be in insecure and low-paid work that has put them at greater risk from the virus. Many have paid with their lives. 

“This crisis must be a turning point. Ministers must hold down unemployment, create good new jobs and challenge the systematic discrimination that holds BME workers back.”

The TUC is calling on government to: 

·         Create good new jobs. We could create 1.2 million new jobs in the next two years in clean green infrastructure, and by unlocking public sector vacancies. 

·         Introduce mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting and make employers publish action plans to ensure fair wages for BME workers in the workplace. 

·         Ban zero-hours contracts and strengthen the rights of insecure workers – which will have a disproportionate impact on BME workers. 

·         Publish all the equality impact assessments related to its response to Covid-19 and be transparent about how it considers BME communities in policy decisions. 

·         Give more financial support for people who have lost their jobs. Without a boost to universal credit, many will be pushed into poverty. 

  • The TUC analysis is based on ONS labour market statistics Q4 2019 and Q4 2020:


Q4 2019 


Q4 2020 

% change 


Q4 2019 


Q4 2020 

% change 

North East 




North West 







Yorks and Humberside 







East Mids 







West Mids 







East of England 














South East 







South West 














x = numbers too small to be used. 

TUC anti-racism task force: The TUC has launched an anti-racism task force, chaired by NASUWT General Secretary Dr Patrick Roach, to tackle the structural racism with the labour market – and wider society.

The task force will lead the trade union movement’s renewed campaign against racism at work. It will engage with Black workers across the UK to hear about their experiences. And it will produce recommendations on tackling structural racism in the UK, in workplaces and in unions themselves.  

The West Midlands Rail Executive (WMRE) has today welcomed the publication of the Government’s new Williams-Shapps Plan for Rail.

WMRE, the public sector body which jointly specifies and manages the region’s West Midlands Railway services in partnership with the Department for Transport, believes the plan can help the rail network adapt and meet changing post-COVID requirements.

Councillor Peter Butlin, chair of WMRE, said: “This is an historic moment for the West Midlands rail network as it brings to an end a quarter of a century of inefficient fragmentation within the rail industry.

“The Williams-Shapps Plan sets out a clear vision for a greener, more customer-focussed railway, based on collaboration and the devolution of key decision-making to the most appropriate regional level. The rail industry urgently needs to adapt to the changing post-COVID requirements of passenger and freight customers, and the proposals put forward in today’s Government White Paper should help ensure that the railway is able to respond to current and future challenges in a more effective, more efficient and more sustainable way.”

Other key “Williams-Shapps” proposals welcomed by WMRE include:

·         The introduction of flexible season tickets to assist commuters in adjusting to new ways of post-COVID working

·         A more integrated ‘one stop shop’ approach to retailing of different train operator tickets, a simpler, more easily understandable ticketing structure and a more consistent passenger offer

·         A focus on reducing inefficiency and unnecessary duplication of activity within the rail industry and lowering whole industry costs

·         Faster delivery of rail network enhancements and new stations and services

Malcolm Holmes, WMRE’s executive director and Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) director of rail, welcomed the Government’s commitment in the plan to a modern and green railway with a focus on decarbonisation and improving air quality.

“Tackling air quality at city centre stations such as Birmingham New Street should rightly be a priority for the new ‘Great British Railways’ organisation,” he said. “We can hopefully now also look forward to progressing the further electrification of our West Midlands rail network, starting with the Birmingham Snow Hill lines which link Warwick, Stratford-upon-Avon and Solihull with the Jewellery Quarter, Cradley Heath, Stourbridge, Kidderminster and Worcester.”

Ahead of the Government announcement, WMRE has been instrumental in driving forward regional changes on the network with the establishment of the West Midlands Grand Rail Collaboration (WMGRC). 

The WMGRC has successfully brought together infrastructure owner Network Rail, passenger and freight operators, passenger representatives and rail industry specifiers/funders to enable a more co-ordinated, pan-industry approach to rail service provision and rail infrastructure improvements.

One example of this new approach has been the recent replacement of track on the Stourbridge Town branch line, resulting in an improved passenger experience for users of the popular “Stourbridge Shuttle”. West Midlands Rail Executive is the partnership of 16 West Midlands Local Authorities co-managing the West Midlands Railway franchise with the Department for Transport, and planning the strategic future of the West Midlands rail network in conjunction with rail industry and local authority partners.

Health workers across the West Midlands are appealing to the public this week to back their campaign so NHS staff can receive a proper pay rise before the summer, says UNISON.  


Over the next few days, hospital porters, clerical workers, cleaners, nurses, healthcare assistants and other NHS staff will be urging people to contact their local MPs to keep up the pay pressure on the government. Health workers in Scotland will soon receive a wage rise – of at least 4% – backdated to December after the government there found extra resources to fund the increase.   


NHS staff in the rest of the UK are not so fortunate, says UNISON. The Prime Minister insists everyone else must wait until the NHS pay review body reports, which won’t be until at least July. Health workers were due a pay rise at the beginning of last month – almost seven weeks ago, says UNISON. 

The union’s been making the case for a minimum wage boost of at least £2,000 for staff. The government’s suggested an increase of just 1%. By now, NHS staff would be £250 better off if UNISON’s 2k pay claim had been implemented on April 1. 

Instead, staff feel increasingly taken for granted, worn out by the pandemic and overwhelmed at tackling the Covid backlog of cancelled appointments and operations. As a result, many may soon leave the NHS altogether, fears UNISON. Although there’s now significantly fewer Covid patients in hospital than at the January peak, the pressure is still very much on staff, says UNISON.  


Figures published last week show waiting lists are the longest ever. Across the Midlands, more than 361,000 people are now having to wait more than 18 weeks for treatment. Over 84,500 have been waiting over a year.    

Health workers will be touring Birmingham, Stoke, Nuneaton, Walsall, Shrewsbury, Coventry and Wolverhampton in a campaign bus this week and next. This is to garner public support and send a strong message to the government that NHS staff deserve better. 


UNISON West Midlands head of health Chanel Willis said: “NHS staff have given their all during the pandemic. They’ll continue to do so to clear the backlog caused by Covid. But despite their incredible efforts, the government says a meagre 1% rise is all they’re worth.    


“The length of waiting lists across the West Midlands shows the huge challenges still facing the NHS. A decent wage increase paid soon could stop staff feeling unloved and taken for granted, and perhaps be enough to persuade many thinking of walking to stay.”  


Staff in UNISON branches based in NHS hospitals, ambulance stations and clinics across the West Midlands are using social media and taking part in socially distanced events.   


Vehicle technology is evolving at a rapid rate and commercial vehicle engineers must keep pace to ensure their maintenance programmes are fit for the modern fleet. To help those responsible for the maintenance of fleets of all sizes, Logistics UK’s Fleet Engineer Conference returns for 2021, taking place on 7 September 2021 at the British Motor Museum in Warwickshire.

The one-day event will provide delegates with opportunities to hear about the very latest developments in commercial vehicle technology, future vehicle design, maintenance legislation changes, and best practice advice from leading names from across the sector. 

Phil Lloyd, Head of Engineering Policy at Logistics UK, comments: “Inspecting and maintaining vehicles and trailers is becoming increasingly challenging for commercial vehicle engineers as the technology continues to advance at a rapid rate.

“Logistics UK’s Fleet Engineer is designed to provide operators with all the information they need to maintain modern fleets effectively, as well as sharing the insight they need into the future of vehicle design and alternative fuels. The event is a must-attend for anyone with responsibility for specifying commercial vehicles, ensuring roadworthiness, compliance and maintaining vehicles – whether a small fleet of one or two or a large fleet of hundreds.”

Logistics UK is one of the UK’s leading business groups, representing logistics businesses which are vital to keeping the UK trading, and more than seven million people directly employed in the making, selling and moving of goods.

With COVID-19, Brexit, new technology and other disruptive forces driving change in the way goods move across borders and through the supply chain, logistics has never been more important to UK plc. Logistics UK supports, shapes and stands up for safe and efficient logistics, and is the only business group which represents the whole industry, with members from the road, rail, sea and air industries, as well as the buyers of freight services such as retailers and manufacturers whose businesses depend on the efficient movement of goods.

CSM Live, the branding and live experience division of CSM Sport and Entertainment, has been appointed as the Official Provider of Look, Wayfinding and Signage for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

Following a competitive tender process, CSM Live will be responsible for scoping, producing, installing and de-rigging all elements of venue dressing at competition and non-competition venues. This remit includes the Look and Feel, field of play branding, wayfinding and information signage, sponsor recognition, media treatments and Host City dressing, applying relevant experience from previous multi-sport events including the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

In line with Birmingham 2022’s sustainability pledge, which includes plans to deliver the first ever carbon-neutral Commonwealth Games, CSM Live will work to design and provide an entirely sustainable solution, maximising the re-use of the hardware with the aspiration that none of the produced materials goes to waste after the Games.

CSM Live has also committed to work with local companies, suppliers and staff on the programme with a target to procure over 65% of its requirements locally, in order to deliver tangible benefits to the business community in the region. Working alongside the Birmingham 2022 Organising Committee, venue scoping will begin immediately, with production due to commence in the early stages of next year. CSM Live will also engage with local students on the design process for the Wayfinding and Signage programme.

The Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games will see athletes from 72 nations and territories compete in 19 sports across 14 competition venues from 28 July until 8 August 2022. The event is expected to have a global TV audience of 1.5 billion and attract more than one million spectators.

Giles Stanford, Director, Global Events at CSM Live, said: “We are thrilled to be working with Birmingham 2022 as we seek to deliver a sustainable, innovative and carbon-friendly Commonwealth Games. We have a strong pedigree in providing sustainable branding solutions for major events and combined with the expertise of the local business community, we hope to deliver a spectacular event for all those involved.”

Chief Executive Officer of Birmingham 2022, Ian Reid, said: “It is fantastic to have CSM Live join us as our Official Provider of Look, Wayfinding and Signage for Birmingham 2022. With a strong track record of working on major sporting events, I know we can rely on their expertise to help us deliver the most sustainable Commonwealth Games to date. In addition to their work on competition venues, CSM Live will also be working with us on our community engagement activities, which will support us developing positive relationships within local communities across the West Midlands.”

Dame Louise Martin, Commonwealth Games Federation President, said: “With CSM Live, we have the ideal partner to deliver the look and feel for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. I am delighted by the important pledge from CSM Live to ensure that no product used in its operations will go to waste after the Games.

“A further commitment to work with local companies will ensure there will be positive benefits for the West Midlands from the Games. My thanks also goes out to our CGF Partnerships (CGFP) team as they continue bring on board world-leading organisations to support the delivery of Birmingham 2022 as well as our long-term ambitions.”

When thinking of financial literacy in the UK, people’s minds typically jump to London. So, this is a closer look at just how financially-savvy different cities across the country are. Using Google’s Keyword Planner data, the top ten cities have been broken down by search volume.

Bristol ranks at number 1, registering a total score of 92.04 (out of 100) for savings and investment searches. This includes registering the most searches for 8 out of the 10 key categories: stocks, shares, bonds, pensions, funds, TSAs and ISAs, savings options, and property.

UK City

Search Volume Score (/100)
































Findings suggest Bristolians are eager to make the most of their money, which is more important than ever in light of the pandemic. Research suggests those from higher-income households have seen their savings increase, while those from lower-income households, including those furloughed, unemployed or retired have seen their savings decrease.

For each of these groups, savings and investments are now crucial, whether to create new income streams or to get the largest return on their limited savings.

Bristol’s penchant for saving and investment search queries isn’t too surprising, given the city was found to have the highest density of online traders in the UK – with 24 in every 1,000 Bristolians an active trader. It’s clear residents of the city are regularly looking to make their money work for them.

Edinburgh’s residents are also financially-focused, finishing second overall for their volume of savings and investments searches – including topping the table for ‘commodities’ searches and posting the second-highest number of searches for ‘stocks’, ‘bonds’, ‘pensions’, ‘funds’, ‘TSAs and ISAs’ and ‘savings options’ terms.

Interestingly however, Edinburgh ranked last for Google searches around ‘property’ investments. This is surprising given the city regularly features in regional property investment tables and boasts impressive 5-year price growth figures for its properties.

Most shocking though, is London’s 9th place finish. The city is regularly considered the ‘financial capital of the world’, however, its residents fall behind most of their compatriots when it comes to researching savings and investments. This includes posting the lowest normalised score for ‘cryptocurrency’, ‘pensions’ and ‘savings options’ searches.

This low search volume may be a result of Londoners’ low levels of disposable income. A recent study suggests London’s high cost of living sees its residents take home the lowest income in the UK, that is after tax and basic living costs are taken into account. This is despite Londoners earning the highest salaries.

According to the same study, Londoners are left with just £260.97 each month, compared with Bristolians’ £1,122.57. Of course, there are a huge number of factors at play here, but the data suggests a correlation between this high disposable income & Bristolians actively learning more about the savings and investment options available to them.

Liverpool saw the lowest total search volume for terms related to savings and investments, including the lowest volume for specific categories including ‘stocks’, ‘shares’, ‘funds’ and ‘commodities’.

Annie Charalambous, Content Manager at ETX Capital, commented on the findings: “It’s fascinating to see the differences in how UK cities research their financial investments. London is often considered a financial hotspot and we expect Londoners to be on top of their finances – however search interest sees Londoners towards the bottom of the table.

“While we may expect different savings and investment vehicles to peak in popularity across the country, Bristolians seem to be the most avid researchers when it comes to almost all investment types. Overall, it’s promising to see so many people across the country taking the time to research their savings and investments.

“Knowledge is key in any financial decision, to make sure it’s right for you and provides the greatest return based on your risk acceptance.”

Severn Trent welcomes Ofwat’s announcement that it has received regulatory endorsement to invest £565million in an ambitious Green Recovery programme to support the UK’s green economic bounce back and create 2,500 new jobs in the Midlands.

The Regulator challenged all water companies to support the UK’s green recovery post-pandemic. Today’s announcement provides Severn Trent with a great opportunity to deliver additional long-term growth, with new investment over the next four years supporting the Company’s ESG ambitions.

The Company will now be working through the detail of Ofwat’s response to its plans. Once finalised, the Green Recovery will enable Severn Trent to lead the way in a number of projects, many of which will be a first for the UK, all of which will involve additional investment and the creation of new jobs. The projects, which were praised for being innovative, will benefit both local communities and the environment, and will be delivered alongside the Company’s existing plans and investment for the region.

The projects will:

·         Increase water supplies with enough water to supply a city the size of Derby, using low carbon technology;

·         Encourage wild swimming by trialling the creation of two bathing rivers in stretches of the River Leam and the River Teme;

·         Accelerate environmental commitments by improving 500 kilometres of river five years earlier than planned; allowing communities and wildlife to benefit sooner;

·         Create a scale trial using a nature-based approach to reduce the risk of flooding whilst creating a green environment which will significantly benefit the town of Mansfield; 

·         Help customers to save water by introducing over 150,000 smart meters; and

·         Remove old customer-owned lead pipes in up to 26,000 homes in two trial areas and using innovative techniques to find and replace them.

Liv Garfield, Severn Trent Chief Executive, said: “We’re really pleased by Ofwat’s endorsement of our ambitious Green Recovery plans. Whilst we still need to go through the finer details of the announcement, we’re delighted that Ofwat shares our enthusiasm for this impressive range of proposals, which we believe will benefit all our customers.

“Our communities, and the environment they care about, are at the heart of what we do. The Green Recovery programme is a key element in the Government’s plans to get the nation back on its feet and improve the environment.

“This investment into our region will see us lead the way by delivering a number of UK firsts including new, innovative trials to reduce the risk of flooding, increased water supplies and transformed stretches of river. What’s more, we will also be creating 2,500 jobs in the Midlands at a time when increasing employment, and getting people back into work, is vital for our region.

“We’ll be accelerating our capital spend to deliver these impressive plans and to achieve our existing commitments earlier. Together with our Green Recovery programme, the investments we are making will play a significant role in providing communities with the confidence that the Midlands can bounce back better than before.” Whilst Severn Trent expects no material changes to today’s draft determination, Ofwat is now entering a consultation period until 9 June and plans to issue its final decision in July 2021.

Black Country Business Festival (BCBF) looks set to help local businesses bounce back after the pandemic by offering opportunities to showcase their innovation and resilience. The annual two-week Festival is back from 4 to 15 October for the fourth year and is going to be bigger and better than ever.

With restrictions easing in the next few months many companies will be starting to hold in-person events once again. As part of the new event application process event hosts can choose to hold their event in person, digitally (using either Zoom or their own choice of platform), or as a hybrid event, whereby people can physically attend, but the event will also be live streamed to capture all audiences.  

The Festival would not be successful without its sponsors, partners and supporters. Not only do they help the Festival survive, but they also aid in showcasing to the rest of the UK what the Black Country has to offer. This is now more important than ever, as businesses begin to emerge from lockdown.

Becoming a partner is more than a financial backing. The BCBF team will work with each business on an individual basis to ensure they get what they need from the partnership. There are four levels of partnerships: headline, partner, affiliate and supporter, which can all be individually tailored.

In addition to this, there are a number of benefits to getting involved with the BCBF, the most obvious being the exposure across the region and beyond. Last year saw a phenomenal amount of international guest attendance with 60 people registering for events from 19 different countries.

The total reach in 2020 was 161,560,419, which was a nearly 100 million increase from 2019. Another benefit is the BCBF team who will be on hand to aid partners with everything from event idea generation and planning, to help and guidance with the application form.

Partners will have regular meetings with the team to discuss their event and how they will work within the Festival programme. Talbots Law have signed up to support the BCBF for a fourth year to show their loyalty to the Black Country business community.

Talbots Law are one the largest independent law firms in the region offering a full range of services to businesses, individuals and families since 1828. They are proud of their heritage in the Black Country and have the expertise of a ‘big city’ firm with friendly local delivery and value for money.

Festival Partner, Matt Wistow, Client Relationship & Business Development Director at Talbots Law said “The Black Country Business Festival has given the business community a huge number of opportunities in the last four years. As a business we have developed countless new relationships thanks to our involvement in previous years and look forward to this continuing in October.

“We have backed the Festival since the start, and we want to encourage more businesses in the Black Country to support and get involved to help take BCBF to the next level and bring the community back together.”

After more than 200 years of trading, Debenhams has now shut its remaining stores, bringing an end to what was once a high street giant. Andy Rudkin, partner and solicitor specialising in insolvency and restructuring at Nelsons, discusses how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted retailers and their supply chain, as well as the changes to insolvency rules that have been brought in to support businesses.

“With the involuntary closure that was forced on many businesses by the UK-wide lockdown in 2020, previously successful companies quickly felt the strain, becoming more concerned about their future viability.

“Many retailers simply did not have the income or cash reserves needed to pay their creditors during that time. However, this was not due to a failure of their business plan or a lack of demand, but because the economy was driven to a dramatic and unprecedented halt as a result of Covid-19.”

Changes to insolvency laws to support businesses impacted by Covid-19

“On 30 March 2020, the government announced proposed amendments to existing insolvency laws, setting out a number of measures designed to give businesses breathing space, so as to enable them to weather the storm. These proposals were made into a bill that was fast-tracked through parliament and brought into legislation on 26 June as the new Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020.

“The introduction of the act represented the most significant reform to the insolvency framework in a generation. Made up of a combination of temporary and permanent measures, it’s something that has never been seen in English law before. The legislation includes:

1. The introduction of a company moratorium:

“This is a completely new procedure modelled on the USA’s chapter 11 bankruptcy process where directors of insolvent, or likely to become insolvent, companies can apply for a 20-business-day moratorium period. The moratorium provides businesses with a statutory breathing space from creditors within which they are able to formulate a rescue plan and work out turnaround options without incurring significant additional costs while an insolvency practitioner acts as the monitor of the company.

“While a moratorium lasts for an initial period of 20 business days, there is the potential to extend it for a further period of 20 business days without consent and with the possibility of further extensions of up to one year with creditor consent – although the court has the ability to extend the moratorium for such period as it thinks fit, which could be for a period in excess of one year.

“However, it’s worth noting that a moratorium is not intended to delay insolvency where it is inevitable and should only be brought into place where a rescue of the company is likely.”

2. The introduction of a restructuring plan:

“Similar to a scheme of arrangement, which many companies already use to assist with the restructuring of debts, the new restructuring plan allows companies at risk of insolvency to propose a kind of compromise or arrangement between the company and its members and/or creditors.

“As with a scheme, members and creditors are divided into classes based on similarity or their rights before or as a result of the plan. This is then put before the court for the court to approve the classification and holding of a vote by the relevant classes of members and creditors.

“If approval is obtained from the court (with or without changes), the proposal is sent to members and creditors, voted on and, provided that it is approved and delivers a better outcome than the next alternative (i.e. liquidation or administration), put back before the court.

“The court then decides whether to sanction the vote or note. The court will take into account elements such as whether the classes have been properly formulated, whether each creditor receives more than they would under the next best alternative, and whether the plan is fair and equitable. It is important to note that a secured creditors rejection of the proposed restructuring plan can be overridden by the court in certain circumstances.”

3. Temporary suspension of wrongful trading:

“Under current insolvency laws, directors may be personally liable to contribute towards the assets of the company if they allow the company to continue to trade past the date upon which the director knew or ought to have known that the company could not avoid liquidation or administration. 

“There was a great concern that many directors could fall foul of wrongful trading provisions given the current situation with Covid-19, especially where decisions made by directors were made genuinely in the belief that they were the best way to get through the pandemic. Therefore, the act makes temporary changes to the existing wrongful trading provisions by effectively suspending the offence of wrongful trading.

“The act directs the court to assume that the director is not responsible for any worsening of the financial position of the company or its creditors during the relevant period (from 1 March 2020). It has been made clear by the government that this is not a rebuttable presumption. It is important to note that this does not suspend any of the directors’ other duties. Directors are still subject to their usual statutory and fiduciary duties and it is important to remember that when a company gets into financial difficulties, the duties of the directors flip from looking after the interests of the shareholders, to looking after the interests of the creditors.”

Think ahead

“The emergency methods that have been introduced to support companies are likely to have caused a reduction in insolvencies. And while in the short-term, these measures have provided protection for many businesses and people’s livelihoods, it is important to remember they are only temporary.

“As they start to unwind, the number of insolvencies should be expected to increase – particularly in the sectors that have been severely hit and are on a far from stable financial footing, such as retail – as the true impact of the coronavirus pandemic come to be exposed. However, when that will be specifically remains unknown.”

Leading and award-winning Birmingham recruitment agency Encore Personnel, which supplies more than 3,500 temporary staff each week, has signed a pact with the Armed Forces which enshrines its commitment to supporting ex-service men and women in finding work and thriving in the workplace.

Encore, which has 10 branches across the region, including one in Birmingham city centre, employs more than 200 staff and specialises in warehousing, manufacturing, logistics, driving and engineering recruitment. The business, which has a projected turnover of £100m, has worked around the clock during the pandemic to support vital supply chains and essential services – and now it has decided to further cement its commitment to ethical and exemplary recruitment practices by signing the Armed Forces Covenant, an agreement which states that a business will do all it can to ensure ex-military do not face discrimination.

Inspired by the suggestion of James Simpson, who joined Encore in 2020 after serving 5 years with the 26 Regiment Royal Artillery, 159 Battery (Gutersloh, Germany) and 132 Battery (Newcastle), Encore’s commitment to supporting ex-service men and women is both an internal and external pledge. A Business Development Consultant in Encore’s Driving division, he said: “As soon as I was settled at Encore, I knew it was a business that really cared about its employees, their wellbeing and future prospects.

“Having served in the forces, I know first-hand how it feels to step out of the routine of military life into the working world. It can be unwelcoming and daunting for some. Encore’s senior team have done everything they can to make my transition into civilian work-life enjoyable and rewarding.

“So, I pitched the idea of signing the Armed Forces Covenant to the Board of Directors and they were all in positive unison – it was signed straight away. It basically means that we will do our utmost as a business to give a fair shot to people who’ve left the forces, be that as candidates for our customers or new recruits to our own teams.”

James added that there was likely to be a large uplift in the number of ex-military looking for work in the coming years as the army scales back its numbers as a result of the recent Defence Review – so now more than ever before it is important that other businesses follow suit.

He added: “I was astounded to learn that less than 0.5% of all registered recruitment businesses in the UK have signed the Covenant. It would be fantastic to see more agencies follow our lead.” Area Manager responsible for Encore’s Logistics Division, Andrew Fletcher, added that James was a real asset to his team and his passion for equality for those who have served the country in the forces was commendable.

He said: “James joined our division with a raft of transferable skills which are clearly a reflection of his training and experience in the military. He’s reactive, reliable and relentless in following a lead – all of which are key core abilities in recruitment. It’s a pleasure to have him on board and thriving as part of the Encore family.”

Managing Director at Encore Pete Taylor added: “We’re honoured to be supporting armed forces leavers and their families by signing this Covenant. It really was a no-brainer for us, a simple and very effective way of both showing gratitude to ex-service men and women for the sacrifices they have made for our country and our collective safety, as well as furthering our commitment to equal opportunities and a level playing field for all candidates and our own teams.”

Businesses in Sandwell have been thanked for their ongoing support in preventing the spread of Covid-19 as lockdown measures ease.

Council chiefs say the vast majority of businesses which reopened from 12 April – as well as those that remained open for essential items earlier in the year – have followed government rules and made sure the necessary safety measures are in place for staff and shoppers alike.

With the next step in relaxing restrictions due on Monday (May 17), the council is reminding everyone to keep following the current government rules at each point of the lockdown easing to help prevent a new spike in infections.

And if a shop or business isn’t taking steps to keep you safe – for example if there’s poor social distancing, if they’re not encouraging the use of face coverings or if a pub or restaurant isn’t taking contact details – then the message is vote with your feet and don’t go there.

Sandwell Council and West Midlands Police are continuing to visit businesses across Sandwell to check compliance with the latest rules, offer advice and guidance and, if needed, take further action if the business doesn’t comply.

Advice for businesses on staying Covid-secure is available from the council’s Think Sandwell team on the government website. Visit for the latest government rules on what you can and can’t do.

Since April 12, the council and police have visited businesses and responded to household gatherings and provided guidance. We have carried out over 170 visits to premises to check compliance and offer advice and guidance. Three hospitality venues have received a Prohibition Notice for holding indoor gatherings that breached the regulations in place.

The police continue to take action against people illegally hosting or attending large house gatherings or parties, with £200 fixed penalty notices issued where breaches of the government restrictions have occurred.

Deputy Council Leader Councillor Maria Crompton said: “We know it’s been a very difficult time for businesses – and we really want to thank all those businesses and their staff who have been following the rules and doing everything they can to keep people safe.

“Our environmental protection team, along with the police, have been visiting businesses across the borough to check compliance and offer advice and guidance. They’ve made more than 170 visits since 12 April alone, and environmental health and trading standards officers have carried out around 20 follow-up visits where concerns have been identified.

“Overall compliance has been very good and the majority of businesses welcome the additional support and guidance. We want to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who’s played their part as well as to our staff and the police for the work they have done.

“With a further easing of restrictions due next week, we would urge everyone to keep following the rules for everyone’s safety and to know the council and police will still be visiting premises and taking action on any reports of non-compliance. The last thing we need is another spike in infections. We’ve come so far and infection rates have fallen dramatically, but there is still a killer virus out there.”

Since March 15, The Health and Safety Executive has also been conducting spot checks on Sandwell businesses with 1,149 contacted to date. As few as 17 (1.5%) of those inspected required a follow-up from the council’s environmental health team.

Small businesses with ten staff and fewer are reminded they are now eligible to collect rapid test kits from West Bromwich Town Hall. Regular testing is the best way to keep yourself, your staff and all your loved ones safe. Just turn up at the town hall and collect your tests, 1-5pm, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

People are also reminded of the importance of getting a Covid-19 PCR test and self-isolating, together with their household, if they develop Covid-19 symptoms.

Birmingham City Council has officially launched its Clean Air Zone Vehicle Scrappage and Travel Credit Scheme. 

The £10m scheme aims to support people working in the Clean Air Zone, and who earn less than £30,000 per annum, with the option of scrapping a vehicle that would otherwise be subject to the daily fee. In return for scrapping a vehicle, successful applicants to the scheme receive a £2,000 grant which can be used on a ‘travel credit’ or to purchase a vehicle that meets the emission standards of the Clean Air Zone.

The council has partnered with Transport for West Midlands (TfWM), part of the West Midlands Combined Authority, and the UK’s largest independent car retailer Motorpoint, to operate the scheme. The travel credit can be applied to a TfWM Swift Card which is redeemed against public transport travel on trains, buses and the Metro.  Alternatively, the grant can be used to purchase a Clean Air Zone-compliant vehicle from Motorpoint’s branches in Aston and Oldbury. 

Councillor Waseem Zaffar MBE, Birmingham City Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport and the Environment, said: “Every year, up to 1,000 people in Birmingham are dying prematurely from conditions linked to air pollution including cancer, heart and lung disease.  This is an unacceptable situation. Clean air should be a basic right, not a luxury and just because it is invisible it does not mean we should ignore it.

“The Clean Air Zone will help improve air quality within our city and the Vehicle Scrappage and Travel Credit Scheme helps tackle the source of the problem by removing the most polluting vehicles from our roads. 

“We also need to encourage more people to use public transport as an alternative to the car, especially for shorter journeys, and that is why I am particularly excited by the partnership with TfWM.” Those interested in the scheme will be able to submit an application and if approved, will be passed to Motorpoint to arrange for their vehicle to be scrapped.

Once the old non-compliant vehicle has been scrapped by Motorpoint, the applicant will then receive £2,000 credit off the price of a car from Motorpoint, or a £2,000 credit on a Swift travel card to be used on West Midlands trains, buses and Metro. The Swift travel card credit can be shared amongst family and friends if required and will typically cover the cost of an average commute for two to three years.

Councillor Ian Ward, in his capacity as West Midlands Combined Authority Portfolio Holder for Transport said: “The Swift card offer represents a golden opportunity for people to make that shift from car to public transport which will help improve our air quality , reduce congestion on our roads and help us to achieve our #WM2041 target for a net zero-carbon region.

“Transport for West Midlands and our transport operators are investing in improving public transport throughout the region – including extending the Metro tram to Edgbaston later this year and opening up the Sprint rapid bus corridor on the A34 and A45. So there has never been a better time to swap a costly, high-polluting older car for a £2,000 Swift card and give public transport a go.”

The Vehicle Scrappage and Travel Scheme is open to people who live outside of the Clean Air Zone and who meet all of the following criteria:

  • Have been the registered owner/ keeper of a non-compliant vehicle since 10 September 2018
  • Earn less than £30,000 a year
  • Work at least 18 hours per week at premises within the Clean Air Zone

Kevin Cartwright, General Manager of Motorpoint Birmingham and Oldbury, said: “We’re delighted to see the Clean Air Zone Vehicle Scrappage and Travel Scheme go live and with it the opportunity to further reduce the levels of nitrogen dioxide emissions in the city.

“Motorpoint has hundreds of low mileage, nearly new vehicles all under warranty available at its branches across the city – every one of which is Clean Air Zone compliant. Plus, with our Sameday Driveaway service, people can choose, test drive and buy, all in the space of a couple of hours.

“We would definitely recommend anyone thinking of taking advantage of the scheme to go online and start their car buying journey at or alternatively pop into their nearest Motorpoint branch.” Birmingham’s Clean Air Zone will go live on 1 June 2021 and charge owners of the most polluting vehicles to drive within the A4540 Middleway (but not the Middleway itself).

The newly-unveiled Paradise Public Transport Improvement Scheme looks to respond to the city’s air pollution challenges by prioritising the road for buses, trams, taxis (Hackney Carriage) and bicycles. Private cars will continue to be able to use the tunnel beneath Paradise for through trips on the A38, whilst maintaining access to key locations within the area.

Paradise Circus, renamed Lyon Queensway, was initially closed to through traffic in September 2018, in order to facilitate phase one of the Birmingham Westside Metro extension to the current Library terminus and the Paradise redevelopment. Since then, poor air quality in Birmingham city centre has come under increasing scrutiny. The road is within the city’s Clean Air Zone, which launches on June 1. The Zone is being introduced as part of Birmingham’s commitment to improve air quality by reducing the volume of polluting vehicles entering the city.

The city was first given a Ministerial Direction in 2017 to reduce levels of NO2 in the air to a maximum average of 40μg/m3 in the shortest possible time. The Council believes that the Zone will support this objective, whilst also enabling other important changes across the city such as reducing the levels of particulate matter and carbon emissions.

To support this work, the council has turned its focus in recent years to improving the local environment; facilitating safer active travel (walking and cycling) and enhancing access priority for public transport – including Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) cross city bus initiative.

The government has also committed to fund a series of new bus priority measures in the West Midlands. These schemes will support the easing of bus delays in the city centre and support the wider delivery of cross-city bus routes.

Birmingham City Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment, Councillor Waseem Zaffar, said: “I am absolutely committed to de-carbonising transport, reducing air pollution and improving travel and transport across the city. For the health of our citizens we simply cannot continue to have the number of high polluting private vehicles travelling through this area as they were previously.

“Transforming the city centre is one of the big moves outlined in the draft Birmingham Transport Plan. Fewer cars and more people travelling by bus, tram or train means less congestion and better air quality for everybody.

“To achieve this vision, we must ensure that public transport is constantly improving to make journeys quicker, easier and more reliable.”

The council is proposing to reopen part of Lyon Queensway to buses, taxis and cycles only, and create a new access road between the two A38 slip roads over the main A38 route. This will allow the Metro to operate efficiently and the new cross-city bus routes to have priority over other transport modes.

It will also mean that people can still access the Paradise development and other key locations, as:

  • All traffic will continue to be able to use the tunnel beneath the Paradise development for through trips on the A38;
  • Local traffic will be able to use the A38 (from the south) to access Holliday Street, buildings in the Paradise development, Town Hall and Swallow Street;
  • Local traffic will be able to use the A38 (from the north) to access buildings in the north part of the Paradise development;
  • Local traffic will be able to use the Middleway (B4135 Summer Hill Road) to access Cambridge Street and Paradise car park; and
  • Buses and taxis will be able to use Lyon Queensway, accesses from the A38, Centenary Square (Broad Street), Sandpits/Parade and Brunel Street.

A simple U-turn facility will be built by Midland Metro Alliance, working on behalf of Birmingham City Council, between the two Suffolk Street (A38) slip roads to allow access for public transport and local access to the area for local business and residents. This would also be restricted to:

  • Bus services, Hackney Carriages, cycles;
  • Paradise access 1 and 2 traffic (including Town Hall);
  • Holliday St traffic that can’t exit under canal bridge; and
  • Arena Dandara servicing access (located on the slip road).

The proposed loop allows tram priority as well as access for Paradise traffic whilst mitigating against excessive queuing on the slip roads and across the new tram tracks. Further details on the construction will be shared in the coming weeks.

The initial proposals were shared with key stakeholders, including site managers and Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) earlier this year. The public consultation will run via the Council’s BeHeard platform from today (11 May) to 1 June 2021.

Jason Wouhra, president of Asian Business Chamber of Commerce (ABCC), has said that the costs of PCR Covid tests, required for leisure travellers returning from ‘green list’ countries, must be made more affordable.

Mr Wouhra, also chief executive of Lioncroft Wholesale Ltd, made the comments following the publication of the government’s new traffic light system for international travel.

From 17 May, leisure passengers returning from ‘green list’ countries to England will not be required to quarantine.

But these passengers will be required to complete a pre-departure test up to 72 hours before travel and a single PCR test on or before day two of their arrival in England.

Mr Wouhra said: “The government’s new traffic light system for international travel saw 12 destinations added to the green list, but this is a cautious and narrow list, with various destinations on it having their own restrictions on international travel. We will have to see how the list adapts and changes in the coming weeks to see the impact on the travel industries.

“The PCR test can cost between £105 and £500 according to the government list, which is simply too much for some families to have to take a series of. The cost of these tests need to come down in price for all to be able to afford it.

“Notwithstanding the above, the safety of all must be paramount. We need to apply the same rigorous use of data and evidence that’s underpinned domestic policy when it comes to restarting international travel. We must work together to bring an end to the coronavirus pandemic, here in the UK and globally.”

More than half of all managers have experienced burnout at work because of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a fifth considering quitting their job as a result, according to new research from not-for-profit healthcare provider, Benenden Health.

Assessing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the nation’s workforce one year on, research has found that as many as 53% of managers in the West Midlands have suffered from burnout at work since the UK was first placed into lockdown, with a fifth (22%) of all managers either considering, or actually quitting their job as a result of the strain on their mental wellbeing.

With the Office for National Statistics reporting that the number of individuals experiencing symptoms of depression has almost doubled since the start of the pandemic, Benenden Health has examined the impact on the nation’s workforce. This has revealed the effect of COVID-19 on the working lives of managers and their subsequent experiences of burnout, which is the occurrence of exhaustion, stress, cynicism and/or feelings of reduced professional ability due to demands at work.

The main causes of burnout at work for those in the West Midlands in the past year were shown to be anxiety about the future (48%), a lack of sleep (40%) and limited social interaction (27%), whilst nearly a third (29%) of burnout sufferers in the region revealed that working longer hours had contributed.

Despite half of all managers in the region (48%) wanting to take time off work due to burnout brought on by the pressures of the pandemiconly one in ten have done so (12%), with others revealing they couldn’t due to their workload being too high, their team needing them, fearing an absence would impact their career progression and that senior management wouldn’t let them do so.

The survey of managers in the West Midlands also revealed that almost a fifth (18%) of those who have experienced burnout in the past year have sought medical support, whilst a quarter (24%) either took time off as annual leave or a physical health sick day to hide the real reason for their absence.

With the coronavirus pandemic placing such a serious strain on the nation’s workforce, businesses in the West Midlands are now facing a mental wellbeing crisis as individuals suffer in silence, having a knock-on effect on the culture, retention, productivity and overall performance of organisations.

On a personal level, a third of managers in the region reported that work has caused increased anxiety in the past year (33%), a quarter said it has caused mood swings (25%), another quarter revealed their diet has got worse (25%), one in ten have consumed more alcohol and a further 10% said their relationship with their partner has deteriorated.

As the nation begins to slowly roll back COVID-19 restrictions, more than one in ten managers in the West Midlands (13%) revealed that they are worried about being encouraged to work from an office before they are comfortable doing so, whilst a similar amount (11%) believe that the easing of restrictions will put more pressure on them at work. With 15% of managers in the region saying that they fear the culture within their business will get worse once restrictions ease, businesses may also need to consider how they maintain a feeling of togetherness as life returns to something more like normality.

The future of traditional office working was also revealed to be in jeopardy as more than half (58%) of managers in the West Midlands said they would like to work from home – at least part-time – on a permanent basis.

Naomi Thompson, Head of OD at Benenden Health, said: “It goes without saying that the past year has been incredibly challenging for individuals across the nation, both in our personal lives and at work.

“Businesses too have suffered immensely from the COVID-19 pandemic and these pressures have filtered down to management, who have been vital in keeping operations going at work whilst managing their own lives at home.

“What we are seeing is that there is a burnout epidemic across the nation’s managers, but too often these individuals feel too helpless, worried and embarrassed to open up and seek support for their mental wellbeing concerns.

“An open, two-way conversation must now take place to ensure employees are able to disclose and address any mental wellbeing concerns without fear. It is also important that employers are in a position to support appropriately and effectively, to the benefit of both individual employees, and the business as a whole. In building a happy, healthy and productive workforce, employers will also have to consider how their operations change as restrictions ease, ensuring that employee wellbeing is at the forefront of these conversations.”

Benenden Health enables businesses to offer affordable, high quality, private healthcare to every employee. This includes round the clock care such as mental health helplines, 24/7 GP plus access to services such as mental health counselling support and medical treatment so employees can have peace of mind that they can ask for help whenever they need it.