The Centre for Research on Race and Education at University of Birmingham and Birmingham City Council are inviting people to a seminar for schools and educators on addressing far-right racism.
‘Far-Right Racism: A Seminar for Schools and Educators’ examines the issue of far-right racism and how schools can respond and will be presenting new research on race equality in schools and discuss the opportunities they can take to address racism. The far-right racist riots and attacks across England this year were a frightening reminder for minority young people and their families of how the political normalisation of anti-immigration sentiment enables open street violence.
As highlighted during this month’s Black History Month, schools face a particular challenge to respond to these attacks, as education policy and political discourse has moved away from addressing persistent race inequities and, particularly since the 2020 Black Lives Matter campaigns, has discouraged schools from taking an overtly anti-racist stance. In this seminar, Professor of Public Education at the University of Birmingham, Prof. Karl Kitching (pic), will share findings from a national study he is leading on youth engagement with race and faith equality at school.
He will outline the challenges school communities face and the opportunities they can take to address race, class and other forms of inequity in the midst of increased popularity for the far-right. Taking place between 16.00 and 17.00, the online seminar, on Monday 11 November, is particularly aimed at teachers, but is open to all those who work with young people, to support and encourage their capacity to address such issues with the communities they serve.