A report carried out by Albion Econimics has revealed that almost 27,000 people will be working on HS2 by 2020 - while the new project could deliver up to 9,000 apprenticeships. The independent report, published by High Speed Rail Industry Leaders, has analysed contracts already issued by HS2 Ltd, the programme for the coming years and roles throughout the supply chain.
If apprenticeship levels are achieved at the levels suggested by the Transport Infrastructure Skills Strategy, HS2 Phase 1 could support between 5,000 and 9,000 new apprenticeships. This will make one of the biggest apprenticeship schemes ever created in the UK. The National High Speed Rail College, based in Birmingham and Doncaster, has a key role to play in developing and training young people for these opportunities.
Henrik Anderberg, Director of HSRIL, said: “The HS2 jobs bonanza is starting now and by the end of the decade the project will have employed some 27,000 people, making it by far-and-away the biggest single source of new jobs in the UK infrastructure sector. It will be nationwide too, with around 70% of the new employment being created outside London.
Both HS2 Ltd and the Government are making fantastic progress at pushing this project forward. The jobs report shows just how big the benefits will be as long as they are able to continue to do so.”
By 2020, it is forecasted that 26,650 people will have worked on the HS2 project throughout the supply chain with two-thirds of these roles to be in construction and the remaining one-third mading up of designers and management roles. By then, HS2 will employ more people than any other infrastructure project in the UK.