Colors: Blue Color

British Airways returns to Birmingham Airport after a ten-year break this weekend with each way flights throughout the summer from just £29.

The first British Airways flight for a decade will take off from Birmingham at 7.20pm today to the Italian city of Florence.

The other summer-only services that will operate every weekend are to the popular Spanish sunspots of Malaga, Ibiza and Palma.

British Airways last flew from Birmingham in 2007 when the regional airline business was sold to Flybe.

Customers will travel direct from their doorstep on modern Embraer 190 jet aircraft, with spacious cabins and two abreast seating so everyone can have an aisle or window seat.

The Liberal Democrats launched their manifesto for the upcoming general election on Wednesday 17th May. In this article, their four key policies and the details of these four policies will be highlighted.  After extensive research and reading, the four key policies of this manifesto are: the economy, Brexit, health and social scare and housing.

The economy has been a big talking point for all political parties during the election campaign. In their manifesto, the Liberal Democrats have taken their campaign speak and made into properly articulated policies. They promise to eliminate the day to day deficit and only borrow to invest more into the country. They promise to bring in an additional £100 billion of infrastructure investment to help develop the economy through using a new British Housing and Infrastructure Bank using public money to attract private finance. In order to finance this increased investment, they pledge to introduce a 1p increase in income tax, as well as ending the 1% cap on pay rises in the public, give public sector workers more disposable income. They promise to introduce a national Spending Review and National Wellbeing strategy and review board to assess how they are doing in terms of keeping the books balanced and the economy growing. Also, pledged within the manifesto are promises to reduce tax loopholes currently being exploited by big business, and to increase corporate tax and to introduce a General Anti Avoidance Rule, to penalise businesses who do not pay their fair share of tax.  The Liberal Democrats will also expand the activities of the British Business Bank to ensure that they are providing investment in small and start-up businesses. Further to this they promise to develop skilled workers through advanced apprenticeships and national colleges, and to stamp out zero hour contracts.

On Brexit, the Liberal Democrats wish to remain in the single market and the customs union, as well as allow freedom of movement to remain in place, a contrast to the Conservatives and the Labour who wish for freedom of movement to end. The Liberal Democrats like Labour wish to protect the rights of both UK citizens living in the EU and EU citizens living in the UK, so that neither can be used as bargaining chips during negotiations. Finally, on Brexit, as they have constantly said during the campaign process, the Liberal Democrats are committed to giving the British people the final say on any deal with the EU. This would take the shape of a referendum that would decide if Britain accepts the deal, doesn’t accept the deal, or remains in the EU completely. This last policy is sure to be controversial with some.

Health and Social care is the area where the Liberal Democrats truly show their desire for change. They promise that the 1p increase in income tax would be used to increase funding for the NHS. This investment would also be used to improve priority areas of service such as mental health and A and E. They would also reduce waiting times and limit the cost of social care for the elderly. The Liberal Democrats would also reinstate student bursaries to encourage more young people to enter the NHS. Finally, the Liberal Democrats would create a Cross Party Health Convention to review the progress the NHS is making and whether or not it is keeping within budget and is delivering the services that it is meant in to a proper and effective way. There would also be an independent budget agency set up to ensure money is being used properly.

Housing has become a very pressing issue for the electorate, and as such the Liberal Democrat pledges in their manifesto, should perhaps address these concerns. Promising to build 300,000 new houses by the end of the new Parliament in 2022, the Liberal Democrats have set out an ambitious plan. They also wish to build ten new garden cities in the UK, to provide proper environmentally friendly housing. In order to fund these schemes, the Liberal Democrats would use the Housing and Development Bank to provide long term capital investment. To improve the chances of renters and buyers in the property market, the Liberal Democrats would end what they call restrictive Right to Buy Schemes, replacing them with Rent to Own and Rent to Buy schemes. They would also ban letting fees and introduce three-year tenancy agreements and capping up front deposits.

By Vivek Rajkhowa

The Black Country’s bid to become a Global Geopark is strengthening thanks to positive recommendations by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation).

At the beginning of last year, the four Black Country local authorities (City of Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall) - with the backing of the UNESCO National Commission and the UK’s seven other geoparks - submitted an application to become part of the UNESCO Global Geopark family.

Following a visit by UNESCO delegates in summer 2016 and a presentation to international delegates at a Global Geoparks conference, UNESCO has recognised the Black Country has globally important, world class geological and related cultural heritage, and all the attributes to become a Global Geopark.

The UNESCO Global Geoparks Committee (UGGC), which spearheads the global network, has made positive recommendations to further strengthen the Black Country’s application and is allowing additional time to implement these recommendations before it reports back to the panel.

The recommendations made by UNESCO are aimed at strengthening partnership working across the Black Country and its links with the rest of the world. 

Within the next two years, the team has been asked to provide further assurances about the sustainability of a Black Country Global Geopark and to increase awareness and visibility of the sites that form part of it.  The team has also been encouraged to work more effectively as a single territory to manage the whole Black Country area for future generations.

UNESCO and the other UK based Global Geoparks will work with the team in the Black Country to ensure it addresses these recommendations and it is operating smoothly within the Global Geoparks structure.

Keren Jones, City of Wolverhampton Council Director for City Economy, said: “It is fantastic to see the Black Country’s heritage recognised in this way.

“City of Wolverhampton Council will now look at the recommendations made by UNESCO and work with our partnering local authorities to strengthen our application to become part of the UNESCO Global Geopark family.

“If UNESCO grant this special status it will put the Black Country on the international map and there will be plenty of scope to attract more tourists to our region and boost the local visitor economy.”

There are many world-class features in the Black Country and the Geopark would link different heritage sites and features across the area to tell the story of the landscape.  In the case of the Black Country, the significant part it played in the industrial revolution is at the heart of the bid and the proposed Global Geopark.

Liam Chase, a 9-year-old old boy from Hinckley, Leicestershire, who is fighting his second brain tumour, had his dreams come true after meeting his favourite WWE Superstars at the Birmingham Gentley Arena on Wednesday evening.

Liam knew that his parents had tickets for WWE Live, but he was thrilled when he was then surprised with the chance to meet his wrestling idols Randy Orton and AJ Styles backstage, ahead of the show.

Liam is treated at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, where CLIC Sargent, the UK’s leading cancer support charity for children and young people has an independent team of professionals who help whole families manage the devastating impact of illness on their lives with emotional and practical support.

After hearing that Liam was a huge WWE fan, CLIC Sargent contacted WWE bosses who organised the meet for the young wrestling fan, and arranged free tickets to WWE Live for Liam and his family.

Liam was originally diagnosed with a pilocytic astrocytoma brain tumour in May 2015 and underwent surgery to remove the growth.  But sadly in February 2017 it was found that Liam’s tumour had returned, and he underwent major brain surgery.  Following the operation Liam spent three weeks in hospital, and he has been left with a number of side effects, including left side weakness and mobility issues.  But despite his ordeal he remains in good spirits, and is now having physiotherapy to help him learn to walk again.

Faye Beardsmore, Liam’s mum said: “The look on Liam’s face when we surprised him and told him he was going to meet AJ Styles and Randy Orton, as well as watching the show, was a picture.

“Liam has been through so much, but he’s a fighter too.  And even though he’s out of hospital now, we have a long road ahead of us as he learns to walk again, but he’s staying positive.

“CLIC Sargent has been a great support to Liam and our family throughout all of this, and we’re really happy that the charity and WWE were able to organise this special surprise for our little superstar.”

Last year CLIC Sargent supported over 7,100 young patients across the UK.   CLIC Sargent’s independent cancer care teams that are based at hospitals in the East and West Midlands supported more than 1,100 children and young people like Liam last year, and awarded over £161,700 in financial grants to help families cope with the extra costs a cancer diagnosis brings.  For example, travel for specialist treatment which can be many miles from home.  According to CLIC Sargent’s research on average parents face extra living expenses of £600 a month when their child is on active cancer treatment.   

A spokesperson for CLIC Sargent said: “Our support workers and nurses fight tirelessly for children and young people with cancer like Liam, who go through so much during treatment.  We are so happy that AJ Styles and Randy Orton were able to grant wishes for our children during their UK tour, and thankful for WWE’s ongoing commitment to helping the dreams of children like Liam around the world come true.”

Chosen from nearly 1,200 milkmen and women across the country, Camberley milkman Darren Barnes has been crowned milk&more Milkman of the Year 2017.

The milk&more Milkman of the Year 2017 competition shines a light on the great work milkmen do in their communities. Darren was nominated by his customers for the exceptional service he provides.

Darren, a milkman for 31 years with Britain's largest milk delivery service to the doorstep, milk&more, has gone above and beyond to help his customers and local community throughout his career. In addition, Darren recently raised over £5k for children's charity Whizz-Kidz, having completed his first marathon at the age of 50.

Commenting on his win, Darren began by thanking his customers: “I am over the moon at being crowned milk&more Milkman of the Year 2017 and want to say a big thank you to my customers, many of whom I have been delivering to for years. Over the last three decades, I have always aimed to provide a reliable but friendly service for my customers, many of whom have such busy lives; so to be recognised by them for a job I love is amazing.

“Not only did some of them attend my wedding, but many of them also sponsored my marathon run, contributing to the funds I raised to help transform the lives of disabled children – and I'll be donating my winnings (£1,000 worth of high street vouchers) to the charity too. I'm looking forward to helping to spread the word to remind the public that after over 150 years, the tradition of the milkman is alive and well and we even still deliver fresh milk in those iconic glass bottles!”

Patrick Mueller, Managing Director of milk&more said: “milk&more is for the community, from the community and part of the community and Darren is a fantastic example of why we believe that every neighbourhood deserves a milkman. Our milkmen and women are an integral part of their local communities and Darren epitomises all that is great about this British tradition – which we are working hard to ensure will be here for generations to come.

“Home delivery is a growing industry, and as a trusted institution, there's a real opportunity to grow here. We've got exciting plans for the future – watch this space!”

On Tuesday 16th May, the Labour party launched their manifesto, and with three weeks to go until the general election 8th June, it has come at an opportune moment. The four policies that really stand out in the manifesto, are the economy, Brexit, healthcare and housing.  This article will seek to explore the key proposals of these four key policy areas in some detail.

The economy has always been a somewhat contentious issue for politicians, and with it having been a Labour government that was in charge when the recession hit, this current Labour party have the incentive to show that they can do better. Using low interest rates, the Labour party plan on creating a National Transformation Fund that would help deliver investment and protect small businesses through preventing the more restrictive small business policies of the current government. Furthermore, to help small businesses, the Labour party wish to create a National Investment Bank that they state will bring in £250 million in private capital to the country. The party also wishes to nationalise the railways, the Royal Mail, the energy and water networks to ensure better quality services for the population.

On Brexit, the Labour party is clear that they wish to maintain the benefit of the single market and the customs union due to the potential economic benefit that this would bring to the country. Whilst also wishing to protect the rights of EU citizens already settled in the UK, and wanting the rights of UK citizens already settled in the EU protected, the Labour party is clear that freedom of movement would be ended under their government. In acknowledgement of some of the issues associated with immigration in the vote to leave the EU, Labour has also promised to stop overseas only recruitment and to ensure that there are thorough investigations into the working conditions of companies, and that they are paying at least the minimum wage for homegrown employees. Acknowledging the need to create new trade agreements with countries outside the EU, the Labour manifesto promises to use their recently launched Just Trading Initiative to develop free trade and investment agreements that remove trade barriers and promote skilled jobs and high standards.

Healthcare is a very important issue to many within the UK Labour has promised to ensure patients have access to treatment within eighteen weeks, and to reduce waiting times in A and E to four hours, by using resources more effectively and efficiently. Labour would also increase funding for GP services, and halt pharmacy cuts, they would also remove the post code lottery on health treatment currently in existence. They would also invest a further £30 billion into the NHS, to help improve the quality of training that doctors and nurses are receiving, and to create a Child Health Index to monitor the development of children’s health throughout their lives. In tandem with this they would create a National Care Service to help the elderly, to lower the strain on the NHS.

On housing, by using brownfield sites, Labour hopes to build 100,000 new homes during the course of the new Parliament, 4000 of which would be for those with a record of sleeping rough. They would also introduce controls on rent rises, provide more secure three year tenancies, proper landlord licensing and provide new consumer rights for renters. Labour would also reintroduce housing benefit for 18-21 year olds to reduce the number of young people sleeping rough on the street.

by Vivek Rajkhowa

The University of Wolverhampton celebrated its investment of £100 million in a construction super campus at a prestigious event at the House of Lords in London.

The investment is part of the University’s ‘Our Vision – Your Opportunity’ £250 million ambitious project to invest in world class education and training in support of economic growth in the region.  The regeneration of the former Springfield Brewery in Wolverhampton has brought together businesses and the education sector with the aim of creating jobs and providing technical and professional experts required by the industry.

The derelict 12 acre site, a former Grade II listed brewery, is currently being transformed into Europe’s largest specialist construction and built environment campus, providing a pathway for construction education and training from the age of 14 through to senior professionalism.

The transformed site is currently the home of the newly opened West Midlands Construction University Technical College with plans in place to start work on the University’s School of Architecture and Built Environment.  A hub for the Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills is due to open in September this year.

The event at the House of Lords, hosted by the University’s Chancellor, Lord Swraj Paul, brought Faculty of Science & Engineering staff together with key people from construction companies, education trade and technical awarding bodies and former Springfield Brewery employees to celebrate the completion of its first phase.

Professor Geoff Layer, Vice-Chancellor at the University of Wolverhampton, said: “The House of Lords celebration event recognised the efforts and commitment of partners who have invested time and money in the first phase of this ambitious project whilst at the same time highlighting that there are opportunities for developers, investors and partners to work with us on phase two of the project.

“Construction is a vital growth sector for the Black Country with the global construction industry forecast to grow by more than 70% over the next ten years.  The new super campus will be well placed to take advantage of this rising international demand with strengths in architecture, engineering and sustainable construction – all designed to address the national skills shortage of engineers and construction workers.”

Chris Blythe, Chief Executive of the Chartered Institute of Builders, who was a guest speaker at the event, said:  “The construction industry isn’t different to any other industry.  We have the ability to pull together many strings of activity and we can’t continue to have wistful and wasteful concepts for growth.  We need innovative approaches to skills and training.

“Building is at the heart of quality of life for people and we need a seamless transition from the past to the future.  Springfield will most certainly make that difference.”

James Hewitt was the Brewery Manager at Springfield, following in the footsteps of his father Geoffrey, who had been head brewer. He said: “I loved working at Springfield; the people were lovely and the atmosphere of the whole place was really good. I very much enjoyed visiting the site and seeing the marvellous reconstruction that is occurring.”

The Springfield site was originally purchased in 1873 by William Butler to house his growing brewing business, with the Springfield Brewery opening in 1874 under the William Butler and Company name.  The brewery closed in 1991 and a fire destroyed much of the historic structure in 2004.  The University purchased the site in 2014.

Proton Packs at the ready as the highly anticipated Playmobil Ghostbusters sets are here to “save the world in miniature".

The six new sets, created by Playmobil, mark the toy manufacturer’s first venture into entertainment brand licensing and hit toy shop shelves around the UK this month.

Children will recognise many a famous Ghostbuster scene in the new sets, which contain the well-known characters, infamous landmarks and of course the baddies of the beloved film.

From the famous Firehouse Headquarters to the Ecto-1 vehicle, fans will be able to create their own scenes of the iconic film locations and tackle the villains, such as the giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. This badly behaved ghost stands at over 13 centimetres retaining his presence as the giant we all know by dwarfing other Playmobil characters - and with moving arms and rotatable hands he can grip the ghostbuster characters and accessories.

Fans can also catch and contain troublesome ghosts and ghouls within the “Ghost Containment Unit”, and take on the greedy ghost Slimer as he tries to eat his way through the hotdog stand. Or simply re-create your favourite scenes again and again from the comfort of your own home.

As a top manufacturer within preschool toys, Playmobil knows the importance of allowing your child’s imagination to take over, so sit back and relax whilst they take on the role of their beloved characters. From Raymond Stanz, to Louis Tully and Egon Spengler, there are hours of endless play ahead of them.

Jamie Dickinson, Marketing Manager from Playmobil said: “This is the first licensed brand range to ever be produced by Playmobil and we are looking forward to seeing children enjoy bringing to life their Ghostbuster sets using their own imagination. Who knows what spooky scenarios we may see children create using Stay Puft or Egon.”

Calling all classic car fans! Blenheim Palace is hosting the Pre-50 American Auto Club 'Rally of Giants' on Sunday 9 July. This superlative gathering offers a rare opportunity for collectors and admirers to see the finest and most valuable examples found anywhere in Europe.

There will be more than 400 classic American vehicles attending, including some of the best examples of motoring history and the most valuable. Dating from the early 1920's through to the 1970's the Rally of Giants is a must visit for those with a passion for American motorcars. For those with only a passing interest in motoring avocation expect your interest to be piqued with this remarkable collection of American motorcars, trucks, military vehicles and bikes.

Attracting collectors from the UK and continental Europe to Blenheim Palace the rally provides the perfect backdrop for admiring, purchasing and selling classics. Visitors can enjoy a full day out in Blenheim Palace, Park and Gardens with delicious food and refreshments available in the new Orangery Restaurant which overlooks the private Italian Gardens.

To find out more information about the Pre50AAC and the 'Rally of Giants' visit the Pre '50 American Auto Club website:

The average family in the West Midlands last spent quality time together with their loved ones over two months ago, according to new statistics released by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) for its Wear it. Beat it. fundraising campaign. (1)

A new survey by the BHF has revealed the stresses of modern day living are putting a considerable strain on family life. One in six people from the West Midlands said the last time they spent quality time with their family was over a year ago, or not at all.

One third of parents (33.3%) in the West Midlands said they leave the house at least once a week without seeing their children. Two in five (40.5%) of the region’s parents also said they’re so busy that in an average day they often don’t spend any time whatsoever with their children, and many (16%) had missed an important occasion because of it.

A quarter (24.1%) of parents from the West Midlands worry their children spend far less time with their family than they did when they were young. While it might be work getting in the way for busy parents in the area, one in six (18.3%) worried that social media is distracting their children away from quality family time when they are home. One in seven (15.2%) said it’s because everyone’s busy schedules just didn’t match up.

Two in five (42.4%) of those polled from the West Midlands said they feel guilty that they don’t spend enough time with their loved ones. The BHF is encouraging families to get together on Friday 9 June for the charity’s annual wear red day.

By donning your favourite red garments and organising a red fundraising event, you can help support life saving research in the fight against heart disease. Sign up at

Donna Spriggs Elliott, Head of Community Fundraising at the British Heart Foundation, said: “It’s clear that our busy modern day lifestyles, and the stresses of the daily grind, are keeping us from spending time with our families.

“Heart disease devastates the lives of millions of people across the UK, often without warning, so finding a way to break away from our normal routines to spend time together is important and our Wear it. Beat it. day is the perfect opportunity.

“By taking part in Wear it. Beat it. and raising money for our research, you can help us beat heart disease for good.”

Last year more than 15,000 people took part in Wear it. Beat it. raising over £750,000. The BHF is calling for even more of you to get involved this year and help raise in excess of £1million for the charity’s heart research.

It could be a yummy red bake sale after school or a red-themed garden party with friends and family. Whatever you choose to do, Wear it. Beat it. is a great way to bring everyone together and help make a difference to millions.

Once you sign up, you’ll receive a free fundraising kit jam-packed with ready-made ideas and goodies to help make Wear it. Beat it. the BHF’s biggest, reddest and best year yet.

The artists recruited for City of Wolverhampton’s Wolves in Wolves public art project have been revealed.

Wolves in Wolves, is being organised in partnership with Outside Centre and Enjoy Wolverhampton.

It will see 30 sculptures of wolves placed around the city, creating the largest public art event in Wolverhampton. Designers are being partnered with sponsors to create artwork to decorate the wolves.

The pupils at Moreton School in Old Fallings Lane, have been working on designs for the Mayoral wolf, and the students are also decorating the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) wolf, while Head of Art, Jody Williams, will be decorating one for Yoo Recruit.

Other artists include Aimee Millward, Charlie Kelly, Harriet Davies, Kesia Pennington-Yates, Stef Fridel, Clem Brens, Danielle Robottom, Alex Vann, Jemima Mantle, Sunita Meen, Claire Rollerson, Julie Fletcher, Nigel Kilworth, Headstart young people, Katie Keith, Laura Hickman, Marie Sewell, Neil Hodgkiss, Jaslyn Lucas, Emily Bland, University of Wolverhampton students, City of Wolverhampton College students, Joanna Burgess, Claire Darke, Highfields School pupils, and Parastoo Duffet.

Other sponsors to date include Marston’s, Wolves FC, Talent Match, Grand Theatre, WV Active, University of Wolverhampton, Movecorp, NCP, Hilton Main Construction, Learn Play Foundation, City of Wolverhampton College, Arena Theatre, Wolverhampton Homes, Mander Centre, and Wolves Speedway.

City of Wolverhampton Council Director of Governance, Kevin O’Keefe, said: “The idea was put forward by business support officer, Manor Singh, as part of the council’s 100:100 scheme, which encourages staff to suggest ways the council can improve.

“Manor’s inspiration arose from travelling in Europe, where he saw a similar event being staged in Dublin some years ago. Manor was born and brought up in Park Village and was delighted his idea was picked to raise the profile of his home city.

“Wolves in Wolves is a great opportunity to showcase the City of Wolverhampton to visitors.

“It is fantastic to see businesses, schools and residents working closely together on this exciting project.

“It will put the city on the map as a cultural centre – and it is also a fun way for families to get active, and discover the city and what it has to offer.”

Wolves in Wolves will combine a quality artistic and cultural event with associated public health, educational and economic benefits.

Once the event is finished, the majority of the sculptures will be auctioned off to raise money for local charities.

Dr Paul Darke of Outside Centre said: “The enthusiasm from the artists is really energising Wolves in Wolves.

“It is the beginning of a new Wolverhampton cultural project for us; throwing out the drab, the negative and the misconceptions for a future of colour, hope and ensuring people from across the region, country, and internationally, see Wolverhampton for the great cultural city that it is.”

Haringey residents are being encouraged to help host a fun gathering in every ward in the borough during this summer’s Great Get Together.

Set up in memory of late MP Jo Cox, the Great Get Together on the weekend of June 17-18 will be a nationwide celebration of Britain’s many diverse communities, highlighting the many things we have in common.

Activities could range from coffee mornings to street parties, and as part of the council’s commitment to making it as easy as possible for residents to come together, street party licence fees will be waived; grants of up to £250 available for events that will benefit the local community, and free event management training is also on offer.

Cllr Claire Kober Leader of Haringey Council said: “Jo was a tremendous MP, driven by a commitment to championing diversity and a firmly held belief that we have more in common that than which divides us. I’m proud that in Haringey, a borough with a proud history of diversity and a place where people of all backgrounds live harmoniously side-by-side, we’ll be supporting the Great Get Together in memory of Jo. The weekend will be a great opportunity for residents of all walks of life to come together to share their different cultures and celebrate the things that unite our communities.”

The incoming Mayor of Wolverhampton is inviting people to join him at the annual Civic Sunday service next weekend. The Civic Sunday service is traditionally the first engagement of the new Mayoral year.

It gets underway at 10.45am on Sunday 21 May with a short procession from the Civic Centre to St Peter’s Collegiate Church, where the formal service led by the Reverend David Wright will begin at 11am. All faiths are welcome and refreshments will be served in the Georgian Room at Wolverhampton Art Gallery afterwards.

Councillor Elias Mattu, who will be elected the 159th Mayor of Wolverhampton at the Full Council meeting on Wednesday evening (17 May), said: “Civic Sunday is an important occasion in the Civic calendar when the people of Wolverhampton come together to attend church.

“I am looking forward to taking the chains of office next week and passionately believe in keeping traditions alive. I would therefore like to invite people of all faiths or none to join me for this very special service.”

Alpha Works, a first-of-its-kind co-working space in the heart of Birmingham City Centre, has announced its official opening with seven companies already calling it home and more than 100 employees moving into the state-of-the-art facility.

The £1 million development, delivered and managed by property company CEG, provides more than 14,000 sq ft of collaborative office space in the iconic Alpha Birmingham catering for fast-growth businesses. The site’s unique proposition, quality and location has enabled it to attract a variety of organisations and reach 75% capacity ahead of its launch. Companies such as international service provider Allegis Global Solutions have relocated to harness the opportunities presented by Birmingham’s increasing connectivity, economic growth and position as a global business destination.

Others also occupying space in the hub are hotel and luxury project management firm Emerald Project Management, business growth support programme Get Set for Growth, international education software and services company Tribal Education, planning, regeneration and development consultancy Nexus Planning, corporate communications agency Pearl Comms and global mobile device management platform Pervacio.

Alpha Works offers a range of options for its members including hot desks, private offices and flexible workspaces. The hub’s contemporary styled design, conceived by award-winning architects ORMS has brought a range of unique features to the site including a double height reception and event space, breakout areas and fully equipped meeting rooms with wireless screens. Members are also set to benefit from superfast broadband/Wi-Fi, a community social media platform, competitive rates and its location in the heart of Birmingham City Centre. Situated on the 21st and 22nd floors of Alpha Birmingham, a key draw is also its unrivalled views of the city.

Theresa White, Community Manager at Alpha Works, said:

“Alpha Works is an exciting first for CEG in response to the market’s increasing call for flexible, collaborative and alternative work spaces that redefine the parameters of the traditional office space. To tap into Birmingham’s current economic renaissance, we have invested in a space that drives further creativity and discovery. Bringing such an iconic building back to life has been incredible and the feedback we’ve had has been hugely positive.

“The fact that we’ve signed over 75% of the space is proof that we’ve delivered on our promise and we look forward to seeing how our new and future members interact and grow together.”

Phil Cooper, vice president of operations, EMEA region at Allegis Global Solutions, commented:

“Birmingham was the obvious choice for us as we wanted to establish ourselves in a city with a highly educated, diverse, and young demographic.

“As a fast-expanding global company with operations in 66 countries, we wanted to make sure we positioned ourselves in a city with globally-minded and ambitious young professionals. We’re excited about the opportunity to grow here in Birmingham.”

Wolverhampton will come together to show their support for the men and women of the Army, Navy and Air Force at a series of community events to mark this year's Armed Forces Day.

The national Armed Forces Day commemorations take place on Saturday 24 June, 2017, giving the country the chance to pay tribute to serving troops, veterans, cadets and their families.

Wolverhampton will be marking the occasion with a week of events, beginning on Monday 19 June with a flag raising ceremony outside the Civic Centre during which the Armed Forces Day flag will be proudly flown.

Over the next few days, there will be a range of activities for the whole community at Wolverhampton Art Gallery, in local libraries and at the Mander Centre.

The public will also be invited to join a guided tour around the city centre's many war memorials, while members of the Royal British Legion Riders, the motorcycling branch of the charity, will be riding through the city centre and displaying their vehicles.

On Armed Forces Day itself, the Mander Centre will host a special event featuring performances, demonstrations, exhibits and activities for all the family, hosted by "Winston Churchill" himself and ending with a flag lowering ceremony.

Throughout the week, people will be encouraged to show their support for the Armed Forces through the #saluteourforces social media campaign.

Full details of the events, which are being organised by the City of Wolverhampton Council, are currently being finalised – the full programme will be announced in the coming weeks.

Mayor of Wolverhampton Councillor Barry Findlay said: "Armed Forces Day 2017 will be the culmination of a week of celebrations in Wolverhampton honouring the incredible contribution made by the UK's Armed Forces in the past, present and future. “It is our chance to demonstrate our gratitude to them, and I hope the people of Wolverhampton will turn out in force to show their support."

To find out more about events taking place in Wolverhampton to mark Armed Forces Day, please contact Sam Axtell on 01902 554918 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more details about Armed Forces Day, please visit

Wolverhampton is a signatory of the Armed Forces Community Covenant, a pledge of mutual support between the city and its Armed Forces community

It calls on local people to support the Armed Forces community, recognise and remember the sacrifices they have made over the years and encourage activities that help members of the Armed Forces integrate into local life.

It also encourages members of the Armed Forces support the wider community, and promote understanding and awareness among the public of some of the issues faced by former members of the Armed Forces as they return to civilian life.

This year’s Arabian Travel Market witnessed a 10% increase in visitors from the GCC and a 7% increase in international visitors to the event, which was held in Dubai World Trade Centre from April 24-27.

For the second year in succession, visitor numbers smashed through the 28,000 mark – the show saw a 71% increase in visitors over the last five years.

Simon Press, Senior Exhibition Director, ATM, said: “The continued growth of ATM is testament to the strength of the travel and tourism industry in the Middle East. The event has also built on its quality year on year and the professionalism of exhibitors and stands not only increases the brand value of their own organisation, but also that of Arabian Travel Market.

“Exhibition stand contracts signed during ATM 2017 for next year are up 38% year-on-year, with exhibitors keen to reserve their space for what promises to be a record-breaking event in 2018 as ATM celebrates its 25th anniversary.”

Held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of Dubai, ATM has grown to become the largest event of its kind in the region and one of the biggest in the world. The 2017 edition, on the theme of experiential travel sponsored by La Perle, boasted an additional hall, with 466 main stand holders representing 87 countries and over 100 new exhibitors making their debut. The number of countries represented at ATM 2017, taken from all attendees, totaled 157.

The show got off to an inspiring start, with an informative discussion on the legacy of Expo 2020. Now just under three years away, it was revealed that plans for the site after the world showcase concludes will see 80% of the plot re-developed with all Expo’s assets and transport infrastructure re-purposed for future use by a range of tenants and major private sector firms.

Commenting on the overall session, Press said: “The seminar also explored the importance of Dubai’s sustainable tourism initiatives, the expansion of the emirate’s airports’ capacity and the engagement of global audiences through partnerships with celebrities and social media influencers.”