Organisations which either operate or use indoor sports and physical activity facilities in Wolverhampton are being invited to complete a short survey and have their say about provision in the city.

Max Associates has been appointed by the City of Wolverhampton Council to complete a Built Facility Strategy, covering any indoor space that can be used to deliver sport or physical activity, from leisure centres, sports halls, swimming pools and gyms to indoor skateboard facilities or community rooms or church halls that are converted to deliver yoga or exercise. Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing, said: "Carrying out this assessment of indoor sports facilities will help us to assess if there are enough facilities of the right quality to meet current and future demand, and if they are accessible and affordable.

"It also forms a key part of our commitment to address physical inactivity and promote participation at facilities that are fit for purpose and able to support the wider health and wellbeing agenda. We want to hear from groups who own and operate facilities that are used for sport and physical activity, as well as those organisations who use these facilities, so we can map out a plan for leisure and sports facilities in the Wolverhampton area going forward."

There are three surveys, one for schools or further or higher education establishments, one for sports or physical activity organisations, and one for community and faith-based organisations. The closing date for comments is Friday 31 May 2024.