Reunion Island Tourism (IRT) and Google have partnered to enable users around the world to discover on the Internet 255 kms of trails and paths of this diverse and scenic island. Viewers will have the opportunity to admire the landscapes, one more incredible than the next. Most of the hiking and cycling trails are located in the heart of Reunion National Park which is a registered World Heritage site recognized by UNESCO.

In 2016, Reunion Island, with this new initiative, confirmed its position as a geek destination through this special partnership.

From today, its breathtaking panoramas are accessible via Google Maps and Google Earth through the Street View technology. In order to scan the best pictures of trails across Reunion Island, Google decided to use the Street View Trekker technology.

This is a pack of 18 kg and contains a dozen cameras that take photographs simultaneously to form 360-degree views.

For such specific locations like the interior of Reunion Island, Google uses this state-of-the-art technology with locals, who are very familiar with their territory. Thus, last year, the IRT teams have digitized 50 routes with 425 hours of walking to offer optimum discovery of the most special places on the island.

The richness of Reunion Island is now just a click away.

Mafate, the Piton de la Fournaise volcano during an eruption, the Roche Written, Piton des Neiges, Cape Black, the Makes, in all, more than 50 routes that have been photographed, over 255 km of which 218 km are located in the heart of Réunion National Park and listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO.

Google engineers processed and assembled thousands of images to create 360-degree panoramas. Whether preparing a course or revising a place already visited, these virtual tours are a goldmine for lovers of spectacular landscapes and pure nature.

The operation for the user is very simple: just connect to Google Maps to locate the place you wish to discover, and then click the Street View image suggested (or move the little yellow cursor icon exactly to the desired location).

Once the displayed virtual tour appears, users can click on the arrows to move around the location.