Colors: Purple Color

Employees at Barclays Bank Plc, One Snowhill, Birmingham raised £2,958.76 for the charity by holding various events throughout 2018 and presented the cheque to Regional Fundraiser Gayle Kelly on the charity’s 50th Anniversary.

These events included cake, sweet & samosa sales as well as football related events during the 2018 World Cup.

Parkinson's UK is the leading charity driving better care, treatments and quality of life for those with the condition. Its mission is to find a cure and improve life for everyone affected by Parkinson's through cutting edge research, information, support and campaigning.

Susan Handy (Wholesale Lending) on behalf of Midlands Campus Citizenship, said: “We decided to fundraise for Parkinson’s UK because we felt that a charity such as this sometime goes under the radar. We also have members of staff here with a parent who has been diagnosed with the condition and we wanted to show our support. I hope that our money will fund research that will one day find a cure. We’re so happy with the amount of money raised”

Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological condition for which there is currently no cure and it affects 145,000 people in the UK including over 12,000 in the West Midlands.

Parkinson’s UK estimate that there are more than 40 symptoms of the condition.  As well as the most widely known symptom - tremor - these range from physical symptoms like muscle stiffness to depression, anxiety, hallucinations, memory problems and dementia, but Parkinson’s affects everyone differently.

Gayle Kelly, Regional Fundraiser for Birmingham and the Black Country at Parkinson’s UK, said: “Nobody should have to face Parkinson’s alone - or without hope that one day we’ll find better treatments and a cure.

The money raised means that we can be there for more people when they need us most and invest in further research that will one day bring an end to the condition.  It was lovely to be presented with the cheque on our 50th Anniversary too!

We’d like to say a huge thank you to Barclays Bank Plc for fundraising for Parkinson’s UK.”


Great works are known to come in small packages, and the Tag, You’re It! book series is living proof. Written by 10-year old Connor Benjamin Littlejohn, the three-book compilation is a hilarious story of middle school friends who come together to fight off zombies, monsters, and robots in an effort to save their town.

Published in 2018, the short chapter books (Zombie Tag, Freeze Tag, and Laser Tag) are uniquely designed for young readers. The books have been shared with and enjoyed by elementary school students across the country from New York City to Nashville to San Francisco.

When his fourth-grade English teacher gave his class an assignment to write a “spooky story,” Connor – an already voracious reader – decided to take the assignment a step further. With the help of his mom, he hunkered down over Christmas break to complete his first chapter book Zombie Tag about a boy named Jake and his adventures with friends.

Since then, he’s followed up the debut story with ‘Freeze Tag’ and ‘Laser Tag’ to complete the series. Teachers and parents alike have applauded the series, calling it a godsend for reluctant readers who long for more interesting children’s books.

“I purchased this book as a read-aloud for my 4th grade class,” said Kate, a fourth-grade teacher. “My students laughed out loud while listening and were inspired by the creative voice of this talented young author!

The cliff-hanger at the end left us all very eager for the second instalment of the series!”

Nicole, another teacher, said: “My students [fourth graders] begged me to read this book aloud to them each day. We all found the book incredibly engaging – action packed and hilarious all at the same time. We cannot wait for the sequel!”

While becoming a published author at the tender age of 10 is an accomplishment many could only dream of, it’s just another day for Connor. In addition to writing, he is also a gifted pianist who, when not working on his stories also produces original electronic music on Garageband.

“I’m really happy that my books are giving kids like me a chance to see themselves in fun stories,” Connor said. “I love to read and want to encourage other kids to read great books and maybe even write new books of their own.”

A reader with an insatiable appetite for books, Connor has been known to plow through up to three books in one day. He counts Dan Gutman, James Patterson, Andrew Clements, and Judy Blume among his favourite writers, and plans to be as prolific as his literary heroes one day.


The Caribbean tourism sector is projected to record strong growth in 2019 on the heels of a stronger-than-expected performance last year.

The Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO), the authority on regional tourism statistics and performance, is forecasting 6-7 per cent growth this year, continuing an upward trend which began last September.

“We are projecting that tourist arrivals will increase by between six and seven per cent in 2019, as the damaged infrastructure in the hurricane-impacted destinations returns to capacity. Similarly, cruise arrivals should expand by a further four per cent to five per cent,” Ryan Skeete the CTO’s acting director of research revealed at the Caribbean Tourism Performance Review news conference at the CTO’s headquarters this morning.

Skeete did caution of possible “significant headwinds to navigate”, including the outcome of the Brexit negotiations in the UK, the on-going trade war between the United States and China and potential extreme weather events in the destinations and marketplaces.

Still, he said, with global demand for international travel expected to remain strong, underpinned by healthy economic activity, and with improved air connectivity helping to boost arrivals, the outlook for Caribbean tourism in 2019 was cautiously optimistic.

The CTO research director revealed that a robust 9.8 per cent growth during the September to December period last year, led to a stronger-than-projected performance. It was a significant turnaround from the previous eight months of decline.

“Even the destinations that were severely impacted by the 2017 hurricanes, despite registering overall double-digit declines last year, experienced a significant turnaround during the last four months, registering triple-digit increases during this period,” Skeete told the briefing, which was streamed ‘live’ to an international audience.

The 29.9 million tourist visits in 2018 represented the second highest number of visitors to the Caribbean on record, surpassed only by the 30.6 million who visited in 2017. And while this represented a 2.3 per cent decline overall, it was better that the anticipated three per cent to four per cent fall-off.

“With a strong performance during the last four months of 2018, including a robust showing by countries impacted by the 2017 hurricanes, the evidence suggests that Caribbean tourism is on the upswing,” Skeete declared.

According to information compiled from CTO member countries, Canada was the strongest performing market – its 3.9 million visits represented a 5.7 per cent rise. The intra-Caribbean market had its best performance ever, reaching two million visitors, while South America produced 1.9 million tourist visits, representing a 3.6 per cent increase. Arrivals from Europe grew by a modest 1.3 per cent, with UK arrivals remaining flat at an estimated 1.3 million.

However, the United States, which remains the region’s leading market, was down, with the 13.9 million American tourist visits representing a 6.3 per cent fall. This was due mainly to steep declines in arrivals to popular destinations impacted by the hurricanes, such as Puerto Rico, which was down by 45.6 per cent, and St. Maarten, which fell by 79 per cent.

This notwithstanding, there was a healthy 28 per cent rise in arrivals from the US in the fourth quarter, reflecting the strong turnaround during this period.

Mortgage free retired homeowners saw their homes increase by nearly £1,000 a month over the past six months despite housing market uncertainty, analysis from UK’s leading independent equity release adviser Key shows. Total property wealth owned by over-65s who are mortgage free is at a new record high of £1.118 trillion with the average homeowners seeing the value of their homes grow by £28 billion.


Across Great Britain, average gains for the over 65s in property wealth are worth £5,998 each with all areas of the country benefiting in the past six months.  Homeowners in Yorkshire and Humberside (+£8,607) have seen the biggest increases followed by those in Wales (+£7,875) and the North West (+£7,546) have also done better than average (+£5,889).


Retired, mortgage free homeowners in London (+£1,655) have the least to celebrate and have only just matched over six months the same amount over-65s in Yorkshire & Humberside have achieved in a month (+£1,435).  Key’s index demonstrates the long-term investment success of home ownership and the value of housing wealth for retirement planning.

A Bluewater 2018 highlight was the opening of the company's Cape Town office to spur expansion in South Africa and the African continent. Photo shows Bluewater Africa's James Steere, (right) with Andreas Loibnegger, Bluewater Chief Technology Officer

Stockholm, Sweden, January 8, 2019 – In April 2018, Bluewater kicked off a “season of action” toward clean water solutions free from single-use plastics and contaminants. Closing out the year, the water technology leader reports progress in advancing its global clean drinking water movement, providing alternatives to single-use plastic, raising awareness on the critical water issues of our time and forging partnerships through investments in a slew of companies in the drinking water arena.

While the world’s natural resources and water quality continued to worsen in 2018 in the face of unrelenting pollution of oceans, lakes, and rivers by contaminants ranging from industrial and agricultural chemicals to micro-plastics, Bluewater’s efforts were geared to help stem the tide of water pollution and contamination.

Specific 2018 milestones:

●Bluewater launched ingenious water purification public hydration stations able to generate pure drinking water onsite even from water considered unfit for human consumption

●These hydration stations were deployed both to key water crisis areas across the world, notably in Flint, Michigan and Cape Town, South Africa

●Bluewater’s public hydration stations sustainably provided an estimated 27 million gallons of clean water, preventing the equivalent of over 800,000 standard-size plastic bottles from entering landfills and oceans

●Bluewater distributed clean water in six continents, Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania and South America, in countries ranging from Australia, Brazil and China to Britain, The Netherlands, South Africa, Sweden, and the United States

● Bluewater made strategic investments in four water companies also on a mission to provide consumers access to clean water while battling single-use plastic bottles: I-Drop Water in South Africa, TAPP in Spain and US-based Microlyze (now Spout) and FloWater.

The Bluewater clean drinking water movement forged impactful partnerships to further its global impact. Key partners include the United Nations, Volvo Ocean Race, Friends of the Chicago River, 11th Hour Racing, and Imagine H20. In partnership with Imagine H20, three water technology startup companies--Microlyze (Denver, CO), Drinkwell (Dhaka, Bangladesh) and SmartTerra (Bengaluru, India), received a sum of $1 million to spur green innovation and continue the clean drinking water movement.

“At Bluewater our philosophy is pure drinking, cooking and bathing water for everyone, everywhere for home use, commercial enterprises and public dispensing and we’ve made strides in delivering on that promise over the past year,” said Anders Jacobson, President and Chief Strategy Officer at Bluewater.

Some of the region’s biggest employers came together today to pledge their support to tackle the lack of diversity at the very top of major companies and public bodies.

Representatives from more than 60 businesses and organisations gathered in Birmingham for the launch of the Inclusive Leadership Pledge – an initiative aimed at rebalancing boardrooms.

The Pledge is the result of a hard hitting report – Leaders Like You – published last summer by the independent West Midlands Leadership Commission, which focused on the experiences of black and ethnic minority communities, women, the LGBT community, disabled people and lower social economic groups such as white, working class boys.

Set up by the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), the Commission warned that the lack of diversity at leadership level risked damaging the region’s economy and wider society.

The report set out a number of recommendations, including a call for existing leaders to ensure diversity in their workplaces, identify talent and then mentor and coach that talent to produce future leaders.

Mayor of the West Midlands, Andy Street, who also chairs the WMCA, officially launched the Inclusive Leadership Pledge at the Wesleyan offices in Birmingham. Businesses including SkyBlue Solutions, DLA Piper and Wesleyan made pledges, alongside the University of Birmingham and Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.

The WMCA is now aiming to get 1,000 businesses and organisations to sign up to the Pledge over the coming 12 months.

The authority has also pledged to strive for 40% of its senior management to be women within the next five years.

The Mayor said: “Diversity is one of the key strengths of the West Midlands – but many boardrooms are missing out on fresh talent and alternative ways of looking at an increasingly globalised world.

“It’s not acceptable that sections of our society are not getting chance to help shape and influence at a leadership level: whether that’s because of existing business policies, or long-standing issues with self-confidence and self-worth among these communities.

“The Inclusive Leadership Pledge is a commitment from some of our biggest employers and organisations that they will actively seek to improve diversity in their leadership – whether by reviewing recruitment, improving staff support or sharing their own best practice with others.

“We want 1,000 local businesses and organisations to sign up to the Pledge by the end of 2019 – and I’m pleased to say that the WMCA has pledged its commitment today.”

Following the publication of last year’s Leaders Like You report, businesses have clubbed together to discuss ways to make positive changes to their recruitment procedures, staffing policies and employee engagement – and have made three key suggestions to help diversify their organisations.

The three suggestions were to set up peer-to-peer mentoring, create a website with best-practice resources for businesses and create a pledge commitment to diversity and inclusivity.

The Inclusive Leadership Pledge itself states: “We pledge to embed inclusivity in our organisation’s ethos and culture, so that every employee has a fair opportunity in recruitment, promotion and progression. We pledge that under-represented groups will be actively supported so that we can collectively make a difference to the leadership of the West Midlands.”

The statement is supported by a number of pledges to take action – such as:

  • We will launch training programmes for under-represented groups in our to cultivate leadership qualities
  • We will launch a mentoring programme for under-represented groups in our organisation where they will be linked up with senior staff.
  • We will ensure there is always a female and BME staff member on every interview panel
  • We pledge that 33% of our senior management will be female by 2023.
Anita Bhalla OBE, journalist and chair of the Leadership Commission, said: “The Inclusive Leadership Pledge is the start of an overdue journey. Businesses have digested our report, considered the issues, taken a look at themselves, and come up with a number of suggestions which they feel will have a long-lasting and positive impact. This has to be applauded.

“Businesses are understanding that under-representation at leadership level limits aspiration and leads to disaffection. They are signing up to create an environment where future leaders from all backgrounds can be nurtured, acknowledging this ultimately will be good not just for their business, but for society.”

Roger Dix, chief risk officer and executive sponsor for inclusion and diversity at Wesleyan, said: “Wesleyan is delighted to host the launch of the Inclusive Leadership Pledge for the West Midlands.

“As a leading employer in the region, we are committed to inclusivity and diversity, and recognise the value in having different viewpoints in senior positions.

“We are pleased to sign up to the Inclusive Leadership Pledge and hope hundreds of other businesses and organisations will do the same. Working together, we can help make a huge difference to the leadership of the region.”

Businesses and organisations can get more information and sign the Inclusive Leadership Pledge online at:

European aerospace corporation Airbus SE announced that it has set a new company record by meeting its full year delivery guidance and delivering 800 commercial aircraft to 93 customers in 2018.

2018 deliveries were 11 percent higher than the previous record of 718 units, set in 2017. For the 16th year in a row now, Airbus has increased the number of commercial aircraft deliveries on an annual basis.

In total, the 2018 commercial aircraft deliveries comprise:

• 20 A220s (since it became part of the Airbus family in July 2018); • 626 A320 Family (vs 558 in 2017), of which 386 were A320neo Family (vs 181 NEOs in 2017); • 49 A330s (vs 67 in 2017) including the first three A330neo in 2018; • 93 A350 XWBs (vs 78 in 2017); • 12 A380s (vs 15 in 2017).

In terms of sales, Airbus achieved 747 net orders during 2018 compared with 1,109 net orders in 2017. At the end of 2018, the backlog of Airbus commercial aircraft reached a new industry record and stood at 7,577 aircraft, including 480 A220s, compared with 7,265 at the end of 2017.

“Despite significant operational challenges, Airbus continued its production ramp-up and delivered a record number of aircraft in 2018. I salute our teams around the globe who worked until the end of the year to meet our commitments,” said Guillaume Faury, President Airbus Commercial Aircraft. “I am equally pleased about the healthy order intake as it shows the underlying strength of the commercial aircraft market and the trust our customers are placing in us. My gratitude goes out to all of them for their ongoing support.” He added: “As we look to further increase our industrial efficiency, we will continue making the digitalisation of our business a key priority.”

Over the last 16 years, Airbus has steadily increased its production year-by-year with the final assembly lines in Hamburg, Toulouse, Tianjin and Mobile complemented by the addition of the A220 line in Mirabel, Canada, during 2018. A notable contribution to Airbus’ delivery increase in 2018 came from the final assembly lines in the US and China. For the top-selling A320 Family in particular, the Final Assembly Line (FAL) in Mobile, Alabama, saw its 100th delivery, and is now producing in excess of four units per month. Meanwhile, Airbus’ “FAL Asia” in Tianjin, China, achieved its 400th A320 delivery, while in Germany Airbus commenced operations of its new, fourth production line in Hamburg. Overall, the A320 programme is on track to achieve rate 60 per month for the A320 Family by mid-2019. The Airbus teams successfully reached an important industrial milestone for the A350, achieving the targeted rate of 10 aircraft per month.

A £15 million project to substantially upgrade Scotland's largest fresh milk dairy in Bellshill and secure 265 jobs has had its completion marked by a visit from Scottish 400 metres hurdles record holder and multiple medallist, Eilidh Doyle.

The project by Müller Milk & Ingredients, makers of the Official Milk and Milk Drinks of British Athletics, represents the largest single investment in Scottish dairy processing for more than a decade.

It gives Müller's Bellshill dairy the capacity to process more than 370 million litres of fresh milk and cream each year with milk provided by 230 Scottish dairy farmers.

The project includes a new filling hall to make cream products, two additional fresh milk production lines, energy efficient cooling systems and an extended chill space to increase capacity for finished products. The work also included the creation of state of the art facilities for colleagues on the site.

With the future sustainability of the fresh milk processing sector being debated in the industry, the project is part of a plan by Müller to create a profitable, progressive and efficient fresh milk business in Britain, with new capabilities to make the next generation of fresh milk, cream and flavoured milk products.

Bellshill is the only Scottish dairy with the ability to manufacture milk bottles on site which are 100% light-weighted and recyclable. It also makes products using recyclable Tetra Pak cartons made with paperboard, a renewable raw material.

The wholly owned on-site bottle manufacturing capability cuts down unnecessary movements of vehicles and gives Müller the means to further accelerate a reduction in the use of plastic and increase the use of recycled plastic in its bottles to a target of 50% by 2020. Müller has already reached 40% recycled material use in its bottles.

Müller's three year programme to create a centre of excellence for dairy in Scotland at Bellshill involved the closure of outdated dairies in Aberdeen and East Kilbride.

Müller Milk & Ingredients CEO Patrick Müller said:

“Fresh milk deserves to be celebrated. It's a fantastic, healthy natural product and an essential part of British life.

“Milk from our Bellshill dairy is sourced from local farmers who shape our landscape and our environment. It's in fridges less than two days after leaving farms because of our investment in processing and logistics infrastructure.

“We are unique in Scotland in that our 100% recyclable packaging is not shipped in from miles away. It's manufactured in an adjacent site before being directly passed to our filling lines.

“It's clear however that in terms of profitability, the fresh milk sector has reached a tipping point. Change is required because if processing goes, it's gone forever. We are confident that Müller will succeed in this environment because we are well invested, progressive and efficient.

“Müller has strategic partnerships with customers and farmers. This allows us to lead with a comprehensive agricultural and quality agenda and with innovative ways to avoid and recycle plastic.”

“Our employees deserve enormous credit for their work during this major project. Despite significant disruption on site and an exceptionally harsh winter in 2017/18 our team in Bellshill maintained a high level of performance throughout.”

An event to inspire the next generation of women in business is being hosted by the University of Wolverhampton.

The first Faculty of Social Sciences (FOSS) Women in Business Expo will take place on Thursday, 17 January 2019 and is already a sell-out.

The event is aimed at all business students at the University and will enable them to learn first-hand about the business world from inspirational entrepreneurs and experts.

The expo will take place from 9.30am – 2pm on the 5th floor of the University’s Lord Swraj Paul Building, Wolverhampton.

Hajrija Dergic, HND Business Course Leader, said: “Our Women in Business Expo is themed around engaging, encouraging and inspiring our students to aim high by hearing from entrepreneurs and experts in the field.

“They will also have the opportunity to network with business professionals, share experiences through workshop activities and learn about opportunities for business support.”

Inspirational speakers will include Jordan Nell, Business Development Manager at Women’s Business Club; Peni Brudenell-Pryke, CEO of Greengineering and Maxine Laceby, Founder & CEO Absolute Collagen at Absolute Collagen.

Passengers can now collect deliveries from self-service Amazon Lockers at the region’s major bus stations – just in time for Christmas.

The Lockers have been installed at eight bus stations, including Walsall, Wednesbury, Dudley, Stourbridge, Bilston, Halesowen, Wolverhampton and Coventry.

Passengers using Amazon for their Christmas shopping can choose to have their parcels delivered to a secure Locker at one of the stations, rather than risk missing a delivery at home.

The Lockers are the latest feature aimed at making bus travel even more convenient for passengers using the stations which are operated by Transport for West Midlands (TfWM), part of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA).

Adam Henshaw, TfWM’s bus stations manager, said: “The Lockers are a really useful addition for some of our busiest bus stations, giving passengers another option for collecting their Christmas shopping.

“They’ve only been in place a few days but are already being well used by passengers picking up their parcels on the way home.

“When you are at work all day it can be difficult to co-ordinate deliveries and a lot of people are telling us that these Lockers are making things easier – which is no bad thing at this time of year.”

The Lockers which have been installed at no cost to TfWM are expected to generate a small revenue which will go towards the upkeep and maintenance of the stations.

Kristina McCann, marketing manager, Amazon Lockers, said: “Amazon Lockers enable customers to click and collect their Amazon orders in an easy and secure way, at no extra cost. We are excited to have our newest lockers installed at some of the West Midlands stations, just in time for the holidays.”

Last night Ex-footballer Clarke Carlisle claimed “British stiff upper lip” attitude to mental health and “code of silence” around the issue have finally been broken


As Clarke and his wife, Carrie Carlisle, accepted the Speaking Out Award at the 25th annual Virgin Money Giving Mind Media Awards, which honour the best portrayals of mental health in the media, he said:


“Don’t be shackled, do not be burdened, do not be conditioned by what has gone before. The stiff British upper lip, it’s gone. That code of silence around what you’re thinking and what you’re feeling, it’s gone.”


The couple won the Speaking Out Award at last night’s event hosted by Mind’s President Stephen Fry. The award is given to people who have made a significant impact by sharing their own experiences of mental health problems. The star-studded event took place at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank Centre, with Fearne Cotton, Frankie Bridge and Nicola Roberts among the celebrity guests celebrating storytelling which helps improve understanding and attitudes towards mental health.


Clarke Carlisle, a former chairman of the Professional Footballers Association, and a player for Burnley, QPR and Leeds, has a history of depression and was reported missing by his family last September, who feared for his life. In a candid interview with Liverpool’s Radio City – which has won the Radio award this year – Clarke spoke about how he had been “strolling around Liverpool looking for a responsible way to die” until a passerby spoke to him and encouraged him to call his wife. Carrie was interviewed alongside him, and was recognised for her bravery in recounting her experience of Clarke’s disappearance and how she helped her husband.


Carrie said:


“People have said to me, how could he put you through that? And my husband said to me he felt like such a burden to me and his family. Let me be clear, my husband didn’t put me through anything. If you’re suffering, you’re not putting anyone through anything. The illness is putting us through something. And the illness is putting you and your family collectively through something.”


Clarke also spoke about his hopes for their children: “They’re not going to have an upbringing like we had. They’re going to be encouraged to be emotionally literate, emotionally resilient – they’re going to be taught that every emotion is bone fide and welcome in our house.”


This year’s entries were among the most diverse yet, covering issues from the struggle to get a diagnosis for depersonalisation disorder to living with hearing voices.


The Making A Difference Award – which recognises media that sets the agenda and initiates change - was awarded to Hollyoaks for their #Don’tFilterFeelings campaign on social media, inspired by the show’s mental health storylines such as Alfie Nightingale’s schizoaffective disorder.


In a strong year for the BBC, BBC News at 10 took home the News and Current Affairs Award for their ongoing coverage of issues from the pressure on mental health services to the impact of the Grenfell Tower tragedy. Meanwhile, the One Show won the Entertainment Award for their imaginative approach to tackling issues such as body dysmorphic disorder, and Drama went to BBC Three’s Overshadowed for its adaptation of the award-winning play, portraying the story of Imogene and her relationship with body image and anorexia.


The Documentary award was presented to ‘Girls on the Edge’ aired on BBC 2, which told the story of three teenage girls sectioned under the Mental Health Act. And Podcast - a new Award for this year - went to BBC Newsbeat’s “I hear voices” which highlighted one woman’s story of living with Schizophrenia.


Also in broadcast, this year’s Soaps and Continual Series was scooped by ITV’s Coronation Street for highlighting male mental health and suicide with character Aidan Connor. And in a win for local media, Radio City was awarded Radio for their Mental Health Marathon - 24 hours of non-stop coverage where 73 guests shared their stories.


In print, Hannah Jane Parkinson won Journalist for a single, powerful article ‘It’s Nothing Like a Broken Leg’ which called for greater conversation around mental health to be matched by better services. Publication went to The Doctor, for their Disparity of Esteem series.


Student Journalist was awarded to Goldsmiths masters’ student Hannah Currie for her film piece ‘We Are All Here, The Forest of Black’, which highlighted the men’s mental health crisis in Scotland.  This year’s Digital Champion is Charlotte Mullin for ‘Chuck Draws Things’ who details her experiences of living with anxiety and depression through comic-strip pigeons.


For the second year running, Mind teamed up with Loose Women to present the Lighten the Load Hero Award. The award celebrates every day heroes who support people living with mental health problems. This year’s winner is Amy Lawrence, nominated by Chloe Sunnucks for going above and beyond to help her manage her mental health issues in the workplace.


Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind said:


“The best portrayals of mental health in the media not only help to challenge stigma and build awareness, but can have a direct impact on our wellbeing. Following last year’s unprecedented media attention on mental health, our research found a rise in people seeking help and supporting each other. Every journalist, producer and blogger honoured tonight can be proud that they are changing people’s lives and creating a better national conversation about mental health.


“But while the media has helped to expand the conversation, the reality of living with a mental health problem in our society hasn’t improved at the same pace. This year, nine in ten people have faced discrimination because of their mental health and only a quarter of people have received help from health services. We hope the media can continue to highlight the systemic problems and injustices people with mental health problems face so many more can get the support they need.”

An update to Birmingham City Council’s Social Value Policy and the Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility, designed to better align them to with the council’s priorities, are set to be presented to Cabinet on December 11.

The proposals before Cabinet also include the incorporation of a Construction Charter, covering key topics in the sector including:

-          Health and safety;

-           Employment and skills (to help address a shortage of workers in the sector);

-          Ethical practices.

Cllr Brett O’Reilly, Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources at Birmingham City Council, said: “To ensure that everyone in Birmingham is best placed to benefit from the spending power of the city council, we must always ensure that every pound of taxpayer money is spent with the economic, social and environmental well-being of citizens in mind.

“Our Social Value policy and the Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility have been tools that have done much to achieve progress on this front.

“More than two-thirds of £1.1billion we spent in 2016/17 went to Birmingham-based or branched suppliers. Of that £1.1billion, almost half (£501million) went to small and medium-sized businesses.

“Much of that money then remains in the local economy, supporting citizens and their families. But we cannot afford to stand still. The proposal to Cabinet will ensure that our policies and approaches are aligned to the council’s overall priorities, which will ensure that our spend is even more targeted and effective than ever before.”

The idea adopting a construction charter was first put forward to the council by Unite the union, which has agreed to Birmingham’s version which is being put to Cabinet for their endorsement next week.

Cllr O’Reilly added: “As a city, Birmingham is always changing, and wherever you are, there is always a construction project nearby – often with some sort of city council input.

“With major house building projects, industrial and commercial schemes and events such as the Commonwealth Games on the horizon, it is important to ensure the interests of those working in a sector that is hugely important for us are acknowledged.”

adi Building & Refurbishment is on a solid growth trajectory but it has signalled even greater ambition with the November appointment of Adrian Adams as Construction Director to further strengthen the business’ senior team.

A key arm of Birmingham-based firm, adi Group, adi Building & Refurbishment has enjoyed significant growth over recent years, providing construction, refurbishment and fit-out projects for some of the leading companies and brands across the UK.

Adrian has 30 years’ experience, having built strong client and supply chain relationships across the construction industry, and a successful track record of delivering successful projects and maintaining excellent client relationships.

In particular, he brings with him a wealth of expertise in delivering national frameworks and special projects. His remit at adi is to head up the Major Projects division, focusing on projects over £500,000 in value, and to use his drive and enthusiasm to bolster the company’s growth, as part of adi Group’s broader turnover and job creation targets for 2020.

David Beebee, Managing Director of adi Building & Refurbishment, said, “I want to continue to use relationships to generate opportunities, win them and then deliver projects profitably and to a very high standard. Working with our talented existing team, Adrian will ensure our growth is sustainable for the long-term and that our levels of client satisfaction remain extremely high.

There are exciting times ahead at adi Building & Refurbishment and I am proud of what we have achieved so far on our growth journey. We have recruited some of the best people in the local construction industry and that has helped us get where we are today. Adrian’s appointment continues that pattern and will only accelerate our move to the next level.”

Adrian himself said of his appointment, “I am delighted to join a firm with such strong core values as adi and at an exciting stage in its development. I see huge growth potential for the business and I am looking forward to playing my part in helping it achieve its ambitions.”

Kuti's Brasserie, the new fine dining Indian restaurant which opened in on the historic Royal Pier in Southampton this summer, has received three major accolades inside a week.

On Sunday 17th November restaurateur Kuti Miah and chef Ravi Rai completed an incredible week when they were presented with the trophy for Best Newcomer, from BBC TV News presenter, Babita Sharm at the Asian Curry Awards 2018 at Grosvenor House, Park Lane in Mayfair.

Earlier in the week Kuti's Brasserie was named Restaurant of the Year by Scottish-based celebrity chef Tommy Miah at his International Indian Chef of the Year Awards 2018, also in London.

A remarkable triple began when the restaurant received a prestigious Certificate of Excellence from Cobra Good Curry Guide Editor, Pat Chapman.

“This is the proudest week of my life and is testament to the hard work we've put in in creating one of the most impressive destination venues on the south coast,” said Kuti Miah.

Pat Chapman, who is also chairman of the judges for the Asian Curry Awards agreed: “Kuti's is unique, located in an iconic historical landmark, where the expertly cooked food matches the distinctive venue,” he said.

Tommy Miah echoed the sentiments, saying: “I know how hard the team at Kuti's Brasserie work to serve their community, and we are delighted to recognise their brilliant service … with our highest business award.

Set in an imposing two-story property, Kuti's Brasserie has four dining areas with 110 covers on the ground floor; 60 on the first floor; 30 upstairs in the Chandelier Cocktail Bar; and 60 additional seats on the outdoor rooftop terrace, with views across Southampton Water.

New research from Charter Savings Bank reveals that those in their 30s are the savviest savers, setting aside 58% of their disposable monthly income each month – 16 percentage points more than the national average of 42%.

The average monthly disposable income for a 30-something is £486 (after paying bills), and the amount saved each month is £280. They have a higher disposable income on average than the UK as a whole which comes in at £452.

But their disciplined approach to saving means they save nearly 50% more than the national average of £191 a month.

Charter Savings Bank’s study found big differences in the disposable income of men, at nearly £600, compared with women at just over £300, with women saving £134 a month compared with men saving £252.

The research found 11% of adults have never opened a savings account - the equivalent of around 5.7 million people. The number of non-savers rises to 20% among those in their 20s.

UK adults can perhaps be a bit more disciplined - just a tenth (10%) save a set amount of money each month which they don’t touch.

The average size of a savings pot in the UK is £23,629. Those in their 70s have the most, at £44,542, while those in their 20s have just £5,440. There is a big gender savings gap with men having £12,000 more in savings than women at £29,549 compared to £17,611.

The main reason to save for all age groups is having cash for an emergency – but this becomes more important with age, with 63% of people in their 70s saving for a rainy day compared to 44% of people in their 30s. It’s not all about worries though - holidays are the second key factor for saving for people in their 40s, 60s and 70s. Long term financial security is the second most important factor for people in their 20s, while 30-somethings want short term financial security.

Paul Whitlock, Director of Savings, Charter Savings Bank, said: “It’s interesting to see that, no matter what age we are, a potential emergency is our primary motivator for setting money aside. Beyond that, everyone will have different priorities for how much they can afford to save and what they are saving for, depending on what stage of life they’re at.

“The important thing is to try and save as much as you can afford to, from as early an age as possible, and seek out the best rates possible. It may not seem worth putting a small sum away each month, but it’s a brilliant habit to get into, plus that money soon grows.”

Leadership and mentoring will take centre stage at an annual business lecture hosted by the University of Wolverhampton and the Chartered Management Institute.

The 25th Annual Crystal Lecture will take place in the Mary Seacole Building at the University’s Wolverhampton Campus on Thursday, 15 November 2018 at 6pm.

This year’s free event will be presented by former Regional Director for the Institute of Directors in the West Midlands, Dr John Phillips MBE, and Dr Jenni Jones, Senior Lecturer in the HR and Leadership department of the University of Wolverhampton Business School.

They will discuss leadership and mentoring from a practitioner and academic point of view.

The lecture will feature their own leadership and mentoring experiences with a particular emphasis on the successful University Student Mentoring programme, which they have worked on together for the last eight years.

Director of the Business School, Professor Clare Schofield, said: “We are delighted to be celebrating 25 years of partnering with the CMI for the annual Crystal Lecture.

“This year’s event will see John Phillips and Jenni Jones share highs, lows and funny moments with a view to demonstrate how a little investment in this valuable intervention can help make a huge difference. They will share their thoughts about how mentoring builds the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to be an effective leader into the future.”

The event will start at 6pm with refreshments and networking in the University’s Lord Swraj Paul Building, followed by the lecture in the Mary Seacole Building at 7pm.

The event will include the presentation of the CMI Rosebowl to a University of Wolverhampton Business School student.

Dr John Phillips MBE, retired in 2016 as Regional Director for the Institute of Directors in the West Midlands although he continues to serve as a volunteer. He was the first person to be employed by IoD outside of London in 1993, setting a trend with the organisation now having a UK wide physical presence. In 2010, with the help of Dr Jenni Jones, he set up a mentoring programme for final year business students at the University of Wolverhampton. John and Jenni continue to develop and run the programme in close partnership. Their work involving one to one mentoring from experienced directors concentrates on employability, soft skills and building confidence.

Dr Jenni Jones is a Senior Lecturer in the HR and Leadership Department at the University of Wolverhampton Business School. She is the Course Leader for their PGCert and MA in Coaching and Mentoring programmes and has published various articles on mentoring in the NHS, the Police and within Higher Education. She is also an active coach and mentor within and outside the University.