Birmingham City Council today confirmed the appointment of two new senior officers as part of the ongoing Future Council programme. Angela Probert has been named Strategic Director for Change and Corporate Services, while the new Assistant Chief Executive (two-year fixed term contract) is Piali DasGupta.
Today's appointments come in response to a recommendation in Lord Kerslake’s report, subsequently emphasised by the Birmingham Independent Improvement Panel, which stated that the city council needed more 'strategic capacity' to ensure that it could deliver its improvement programme.
With a wealth of experience in transforming public and private sector organisations, Angela Probert is currently Nottingham City Council's Strategic Director for Organisational Transformation. She is the lead officer on Nottingham's 'Good to Great' corporate transformation programme, which has delivered £55 million in savings over the last four years.
She previously held senior roles in the private sector after beginning her local government career with Sheffield City Council.
She said: "I'm excited by this opportunity and by the challenges ahead. Over the next five years we must deliver the Future Council programme, deliver significant budget reductions and realise the opportunities presented by the West Midlands Combined Authority."
With a strong track record in developing partnerships, Piali DasGupta is currently a senior adviser with the Local Government Association.
In six years at the LGA she has worked on a range of major issues including local government finance reform, adult social care funding, the City Growth Deals and most recently devolution.
She previously held senior roles with the Canadian Government, developing its £135 million Homelessness Partnering Strategy.
She said: This city has so much potential and, after co-ordinating the LGA's work on devolution, I'm looking forward to working with partners as we develop Birmingham's future role in the region and beyond."
Birmingham City Council Chief Executive, Mark Rogers, added: "I'm delighted to welcome Angela and Piali and I'm confident they will make a significant contribution as we continue to transform the services we deliver for the people of Birmingham."