A week of webinars and online export advice sessions are taking place next month (July) to help businesses across the Midlands that want to start or expand overseas trading.

Delivered by the Department for International Trade (DIT), the Midlands Engine and the West Midlands Chambers of Commerce’s ERDF SME International Growth Project, Export Web Week (July 16-20) offers busy companies the chance to learn about exporting for the first time, build on existing export successes and discover new growth opportunities.

Businesses will be able to take part in Twitter chats and webinars, as well as gain access to export experts from DIT’s global network of British Embassies and overseas delivery partners, with whom they can identify and discuss opportunities from a wide range of countries, from the comfort of their own desk.

Ian Harrison, head of exports in the Midlands at Department for International Trade, said with 25 separate events – most of which are just one hour long – taking place across the five days, there are many chances for ambitious companies to get involved.

“As an organisation dedicated to helping businesses export, we organise dozens of events every year that provide valuable information and support. Our role is about actively engaging businesses, talking to them and introducing them to their likeminded counterparts, but we are aware that it can be difficult to commit to half a day or a day out of the office,” he said.

“For that reason, we’ve organised a series of online events that people can take part in, which will allow them to gain maximum benefit while taking less than an hour out of their working day. We think that this is an innovative approach that will be welcomed by businesses.

“There are webinars on myriad topics – from finance to finding new markets – as well as the chance to speak to trade advisers about the international support we can offer. There’s something for everyone.”