At dawn on Tuesday 21st June, in Sydney, to celebrate World Yoga Day, BridgeClimb and The Hindu Council of Australia collaborated in hosting the world first Yoga event at the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Two certified Yoga teachers, from Isha Foundation and The Art of Living School of Yoga, led twelve enthusiastic participants through a series of yogic practices, 134 metres above the sparkling harbour, with the Opera House silhouetted by the rising sun.
Climbers safely ascended the famous 'coat hanger' in darkness and took position spaced along the Eastern Arch to watch the city slowly awake while waiting for the sun, to commence the flagship Sydney World Yoga Day event.
Abhishek Guru, Hatha Yoga Teacher at Isha Foundation said, “Yoga is all about enhancing one's perception, breaking boundaries and overcoming limitations, to experience the universe as a part of oneself.
“Being on this thrilling climb and listening to the inspiring story behind BridgeClimb gives us an insight into the perseverance and capability of the human spirit. We are grateful to Hindu Council of Australia and BridgeClimb for this opportunity. May all of humanity climb to the peaks of consciousness!"
Padideh Fazelzadeh teacher from The Art of Living foundation said, “It's a privilege to celebrate the International Day of Yoga in a special and intimate way in such a unique location. Yoga is the practice of unity and there is a vast amount of serenity filled in the view up here. This is a memory I will treasure for many years.”
The unique class kicks-off a relay of dawn Yoga events around the world, for this second year of World Yoga Day. It follows last year's main event at Bondi Beach.
Inclusive Sydney events are taking place later in the day on the steps of the Opera House, in Parramatta and in Martin Place.
Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane are also participating in Australia's celebrations.
BridgeClimb was thrilled to be a part of this international celebration, a further demonstration of their ongoing commitment to foster partnerships and events with Sydney's main festivals and international markets.
In the last few years, BridgeClimb has hosted special limited edition Climbs and one-off special events for local and international festivals and celebrations including, Diwali the Hindu Festival of Light, Chinese New Year, Chinese Moon Festival, Valentine's Day, Vivid Sydney and Mardi Gras Sydney.