The artistic force has been with a resourceful Birmingham citizen – who has used other people’s unwanted items to help build a replica of one of the world’s most famous droids. R2JUNK2 was created by artist Paul Chancellor, a creative customer of The ReUsers, a social enterprise managed by city charity The Jericho Foundation at the city’s Norris Way Household Recycling Centre.
Mr Chancellor used items he bought from The ReUsers, which runs a shop and employment training facility at the Norris Way site, to construct the popular character – now on display for sale.
The ReUsers takes donations from environmentally-conscious citizens who prefer for their unwanted items to be put to good use by others, rather than be deposited at the adjacent HRC to enter the waste stream. The items are then prepared for sale to those visiting the ReUsers Megastore upon the same site.
Old bins and castors are amongst the items purchased by Mr Chancellor for his project. The overall component list is so detailed, he has produced a visual guide which will be given to the eventual purchaser, so they understand more about the finished product.
Cllr Lisa Trickett, Cabinet Member for Sustainability at Birmingham City Council, said: “When we joined forces with the Jericho Foundation and Veolia to create the ReUsers, we couldn’t have imagined something like this happening.
“It’s great that citizens are turning from the dark side of landfill and supporting the re-use of unwanted items and training opportunities for people in our city.
“R2JUNK2 looks amazing and I am sure it won’t take long to be sold.”