Sandwell libraries are serving up a feast of activities for anyone who may need a bit of cheering up around Blue Monday, supposedly the most miserable day of the year.

Blue Monday was originally identified in 2005 by academic Cliff Arnall, and is traditionally the third Monday in January.

Sandwell libraries have a programme of events and activities to lift up the spirits and banish the gloom with special events including:

  • Laughter yoga sessions at Bleakhouse and Rounds Green libraries
  • Zumba sessions at Oakham Library
  • Comedy open mic at Thimblemill Library
  • Weigh2GO at every library – a free weighing service in your local library to help you keep track of your weight using new Fitbit smart scales
  • Funny film screenings including a talk on Norman Wisdom at Great Bridge Library
  • Musical variety show at Blackheath Library
  • Feel good community drumming sessions at Glebefields and Tipton libraries
As well as the special events, libraries will also be hosting regular feelgood events such as knit and natter, cant and colour art therapy sessions, art groups, coffee mornings and reading groups.

There are also collections of mood boosting books on a range of health and wellbeing issues. And don’t forget the importance of reading for pleasure, so come and choose from our latest best-selling titles.