Colors: Blue Color

The 2017 ASTW Awards of Excellence received record-breaking entries this year in a total of 19 categories.

The full list of finalists for the awards, which will be presented at a gala event to be held at Novotel Twin Waters Resort on the Sunshine Coast on Saturday 19 August, 2017 as part of the ASTW Conference and AGM can be found on the ASTW website.

"The ASTW would like to thank the judges, who are non-members from the national and international travel writing industry, and all of the sponsors involved in the awards this year, and who support the ASTW on an ongoing basis."


After months of keeping quiet behind the scenes, Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity and Wild in Art have announced that over 230 beautifully decorated sun bear sculptures are ‘pre-bearing’ to prowl on to the streets, parks and open places of Birmingham for the region’s largest ever free public art trail, The Big Sleuth.

For 10 weeks this summer, the sleuths of colourful 5ft-tall bears and 3ft-tall bear cubs will inhabit Bear-mingham and its surrounding areas Solihull, Sutton Coldfield, Sandwell and at Resorts World from Monday, 10 July.

The Big Sleuth, so called because ‘sleuth’ is the name of a group of bears, as well as a detective, unites 100 bears individually created by artists, with 137 bear cubs designed as part of The Big Sleuth Learning Programme.

Each striking sun bear on the trail tells a different story including designs from celebrities and artists, such as the very well respected artists Temper and Reuben Colley, pop-rock band star Bradley Simpson from The Vamps, actor Adil Ray A.K.A Citizen Khan, Birmingham Bears and England cricketer Chris Woakes, adventurer Bear Grylls, and a special Peaky Blinders bear endorsed by the show’s writer Steven Knight.

The trail will attract thousands of residents and tourists to the region, inspiring civic pride and the opportunity for people to spend time together and get active whether it is walking, running or cycling. At the end of the trail, the large bears together with the special celebrity bear cubs will be auctioned off in October to raise vital funds for Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity.

“We’re so excited that The Big Sleuth is finally here, we have been planning the bear’s arrival since the owls left and we can’t bear-lieve it’s finally here!” commented Louise McCathie, Director of Fundraising at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. "We hope The Big Sleuth will encourage people to come together to walk, jog, run or cycle the free trail, and consider downloading The Big Sleuth app which allows you to track your trail, collect bears, unlock rewards and/ or take part in our Super Sleuth Challenges, which will raise money for our hospital.”

Sally-Ann Wilkinson, Director of Wild in Art, said: “We’re delighted that this year’s exciting trail is here. The Big Sleuth brings together business and creative sectors with schools and local communities to celebrate Birmingham’s rich culture and heritage, and will leave lasting memories across the region for generations to come.”

The Big Sleuth’s predecessor, The Big Hoot, raised over £500,000 for the charity at auction, and The Big Sleuth aims to do the same. All proceeds will go towards helping the children and young people treated at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. You can support the hospital by texting SLEUTH to 70007 to make a one off £3 donation or download The Big Sleuth app to kick start your fundraising and track your trail, collect bears and unlock rewards.

Nottingham is an eclectic, urban hot spot surrounded by the legendary tales of Robin Hood and his most renowned hideout, Sherwood Forest.

More legendary tales will unfold this summer when the city hosts a WORLD EXCLUSIVE exhibition, Dinosaurs of China: Ground Shakers to Feathered Flyers. Featuring dinosaur bones and skeletons never before displayed outside of China, the exhibition tells the story of how dinosaurs evolved into the birds that live alongside us today. This is a real must-see in your summer diary.

Magnificent Wollaton Hall, which houses the city's Natural History Museum - and starred as Wayne Manor in the film The Dark Knight Rises - will host the main exhibition, and feature a staggering skeleton that's as tall as three double decker busses.

If that wasn't enough, there's a fantastic FREE satellite exhibition at Nottingham Lakeside Arts. Get involved to learn more about these incredible creatures and their discovery.

Most people moan about ‘red tape’, but artists in Birmingham are using over a mile of the stuff to create a new artwork designed to bring very different parts of the city together and make people think.

ASINGELINE is a large-scale outdoor arts project aiming to join two points of the city together with one long straight line. The 2km red line connects Ladywood, one of the city’s most deprived areas, with the city centre, one of the richest.

The red line, created with heavy duty red tape, crosses everything in its path, including public spaces, such as streets and parks, and private ones such as houses, shops and restaurants.

The project, created by German artists Mamaza, was part of BE FESTIVAL, Birmingham’s European performing arts festival, which takes place from 4-8 July.

ASINGELINE aims to connect communities rather than create borders and as a work of art creates a focal point to bring communities together.

Miguel Oyarzun and Isla Aguilar, Directors of BE FESTIVAL said:

“The arts are a vital way of bringing communities together. A year after the UK voted to leave the EU, and with hate crime and inequality on the rise, it’s the perfect time for this artwork in Birmingham.

“It’s an inspiring project to open up the conversation, joining together two places which are so close together geographically, but so far apart in terms of economics.

“As they’ve created the line over the last few days, the artists have encountered all kinds of people from very different backgrounds. It’s been a great way to start conversations about immigration, community cohesion and Brexit. The interactions were filmed and photographed and we will be showing the results throughout this year’s festival.”

ASINGELINE starts from City Road, Ladywood at the site where three young Muslim men were murdered whilst protecting community property during the Birmingham riots in 2011. The completion of the line literally took centre stage last night at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre in the city’s Centenary Square to coincide with the opening of BE FESTIVAL.

Fabrice Mazliah and May Zarhy of Mamaza have previously realized ASINGELINE in Belgium, South Africa and Nigeria but this is the first time they have attempted the project in the UK.

Public Health England (PHE) has launched a ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ campaign in the West Midlands urging people to see a doctor if they are getting out of breath doing things they used to be able to do or if they’ve had a cough for three weeks or more. Either of these symptoms can be signs of lung disease or lung cancer, while breathlessness can also be an indication of heart disease. These diseases are some of the leading causes of death in England, causing more than 150,000 deaths each year combined

Early diagnosis can save lives and improve the quality of life of those living with conditions, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), a common form of lung disease that includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. The most recent data shows that in the West Midlands region there are around 111,200 people diagnosed with COPD each year, and almost 200,000 people diagnosed with coronary heart disease (CHD) annually, the main type of heart disease. In 2015, 3,861 people were diagnosed with lung cancer in the region.

The campaign is aimed at men and women aged 50 and above as these people are most at risk of lung cancer, COPD and heart disease. As well as prompting anyone who experiences these symptoms to visit their GP, the campaign calls on people to look out for each other and encourage friends and family to visit the GP if they have either of these symptoms.

This call comes as a new survey found that adults over 50 in the West Midlands are more likely to encourage others to see the doctor than go themselves.

Haringey is set to benefit from thousands of new homes and jobs and improved public spaces and community facilities after Cabinet agreed to set up an innovative development partnership.

The Haringey Development Vehicle (HDV) will bring billions of pounds of investment to the borough through an innovative 50/50 partnership between the council and development partners Lendlease.

The partnership will bring:

New and improved homes for existing council tenants, with a guaranteed right to return on equivalent terms 6,400 new homes – with at least 40 percent affordable Thousands of new jobs in a range of industries Reinvestment of council profits in local services and further regeneration New school facilities for Haringey’s children A new health centre A transformed town centre for Wood Green Investment in schemes such as skills training and community support for local people A £20million long-term social investment programme focused on improving local residents’ prospects, health, environment and sense of community involvement

Cllr Alan Strickland, Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and Planning, said:

“We’ve been clear that successful regeneration has to have the best interests of Haringey’s communities at its heart, and that we’re determined to help more Haringey residents live in quality homes in the borough.

“That’s why I’m delighted that the Cabinet have approved this new development partnership, which will enable us to deliver the new homes, jobs and facilities that local people have made it clear they want to see.”

New research has revealed the extent to which the West Midlands are frightened by the effects of dementia on them and their loved ones.

In a survey by Asda Pharmacy, half (49%) said that a loved one being diagnosed with dementia and taken into care is their worst fear. Whilst more than a third said the possibility of being diagnosed with dementia themselves is a greater concern than suffering from a terminal illness, losing mobility, or losing financial security.

However, despite this fear of the condition, people are often reluctant to seek help. Of those suffering from any early indicators that something is wrong, many are hesitant to confide in anyone about it, whether that be a family member or a health professional. Over half of the region (53%) said they would wait some time before speaking to a GP about memory loss. More than one in 10 (11%) said that they would only consider seeing a GP about it as a last resort through fear of wasting the GP’s time.

A quarter (25%) of the West Midlands would also avoid speaking to a loved one about memory health concerns until they had discussed with a Doctor first. However, people’s hesitancy to speak to a GP means many are missing out on early diagnoses, something which is essential to treat the condition effectively. Dementia is the UK’s biggest killer*, but the survey showed that only 12% of the region knew this, instead believing that cancer (50%) and heart attacks (28%) were the most common fatal causes.

In fact, there is an assumption amongst a significant number of the region (60%) that memory loss is just ‘part and parcel’ of growing old. Whilst forgetfulness is a natural occurrence, there is a thin line between this and dementia.

Maq Din, Healthcare Clinical Services Manager at Asda Pharmacy, says:

“Those experiencing age related memory loss will more often than not recall what they have forgotten in time, however dementia sufferers lose their memory much more permanently.”

Asda Pharmacy are training all pharmacy employees to recognise the early signs of dementia to ensure that they are able to spot when patients may be developing the condition. The move is to assist more dementia sufferers in getting the all-important early diagnosis as soon as possible.

As Maq explains:

“Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and dementia is absolutely essential to treat the conditions effectively, which is why at Asda Pharmacy we are training all staff to recognise the symptoms. Quite simply, the sooner a diagnosis is made the more informed and resourced the sufferer and their loved ones can be. By planning carefully for the future and taking the correct medication in good time, you can have far better control over the progression of the illness.”

There are steps and exercises that can be undertaken to give the brain the best chance of avoiding dementia and having an active mind is highly important. However only 29% of the region are currently opting to use such techniques.

Jennie Bond, Television Presenter, has personal experience with dementia as her mother is currently in the advanced stages.  She says:

"She doesn’t know who I am, or who she is. To some extent she has passed beyond the point where she is constantly frightened. She's generally in a calmer, more peaceful frame of mind.”

“We were too late in seeking help for Mother. Perhaps she could have had some medical support if we had asked for a diagnosis sooner.  It's a condition that follows a clear pattern so I'd encourage people to get help as soon as possible and face up to the illness. But it's important to act sensitively and keep in mind quite how frightening it is for the sufferer.”

Parents and carers are being encouraged to become superheroes this summer – by taking simple steps to keep little ones safe.

With the six-week school summer holidays approaching, longer nights upon us and more warm weather forecast, health chiefs are offering top tips to help adults protect younger members of the family.

Councillor Paul Sweet, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing, said: "Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles all know that you can’t stop children having bumps and scrapes, but you can be their summer superhero by knowing how to come to their rescue.

“These top tips can give you the super powers you need when they think it’s the end of the world."

The superlative seven include:

  • First aid kit; the first rule of superhero school is always be prepared, so make sure your first aid kit is fully stocked and medicines are in date. A basic first aid kit should include plasters, dressings, a crepe bandage, safety pins, antiseptic cream, bite cream, antihistamine, scissors, and pain relief such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or infant painkillers.
  • Sun cream; don’t just save them, but protect them from danger in the first place. SPF 50 will provide the best protection. Reapply regularly, especially if children are playing in water or swimming. Wear sun hats and stay out of the sun between 11am and 3pm if possible.
  • Hydration; avoid heat exhaustion or heatstroke by making sure the family stay hydrated on hot days. Offer water or diluted squash or fruit juice to make sure they have plenty of fluids. If children do become dehydrated, rehydration fluids are available from local pharmacies.
  • Bumps; most bumps are minor and can be treated with hugs, a cold compress and suitable pain relief. If the child suffers any dizziness, unconsciousness, repeated vomiting or a headache which is getting worse, seek advice by calling NHS 111.
  • Cuts and scrapes; many cuts and scrapes can be treated easily with the first aid kit. Wash cuts with clean water, stop the bleeding and apply a plaster or dressing. Seek immediate medical attention if the bleeding is uncontrollable.
  • Burns; minor burns can be treated at home by running cool or lukewarm water over the affected area (do not use ice cold water), and removing clothing close to the burn. If anything is stuck to the burn, avoid pulling it off. Cover the wound in plastic food wrap as it offers protection. Seek immediate medical attention for any burns that are particularly large, deep or that have caused charred or white skin.
  • Strains and sprains; most strains and sprains can be treated with ice, compression and elevation. Seek advice if you are concerned the sprain could be something more serious.

The new walkthrough is home to four different species of lemur. Critically endangered Alaotran gentle lemurs and black-and white-ruffed lemurs and endangered crowned lemurs and ring-tailed lemurs are joined in the exhibit by a new species for Marwell – two endangered green peafowl.

Guests will enjoy sharing the beautifully landscaped habitat of these engaging animals in a new, themed exhibit at the giraffe house, focussing on the evolution of the species. The new experience, with both indoor and outdoor sections, will immerse visitors into a densely planted lemur environment.

The Madagascan creatures have spent the past few weeks settling into their new environment, which aims to closely resemble their natural habitat, encouraging them to leap, climb and sunbathe freely as people walk alongside them. Animal Collection Manager Ross Brown said: “We've designed the enclosure in a way that promotes natural behaviours, which is a key part of it”.

Ross and team have also been taking a close look at the lemurs' diets as the different sub-species have distinct requirements. Alongside this the groups have also gradually been getting used to sharing their space with people, with members of staff spending increasing amounts of time in their enclosures to 'test the waters'.

Zoo staff will be on hand every day until 4pm to teach groups about the loveable lemur troop and their habitats in the 'Evolution Hub'; from learning about the story of lemur evolution and diversity, to taking part in observation and skills-based activities.

Visitors to Marwell Zoo can already meander among marsupials in the Wallaby Walkthrough and enjoy close-up views of diverse birdlife in the walkthrough aviary.

James Cretney is Chief Executive Officer at Marwell: “We are thrilled to open this fantastic new exhibit, which is part of a £17 million ten-year investment programme for the zoo. The programme will create new and improved habitats for the animals and offer more immersive experiences for our guests.

“I'm looking forward to seeing lots of guests, young and old, enjoying the unique encounters in the Lemur Loop over the summer and beyond.”

Summer is finally here and the UK is awash with BBQ’s, long light evenings and plenty of outdoor adventures for the whole family, dogs and all. There may be lots of walkies and adventures ahead but Lintbells, manufacturers of premium natural pet supplements have put together some summer essentials to make sure you look after your dog’s wellbeing during these sunny months.

  • Doggie hayfever
Believe it or not this is in fact a real thing, and can be something that a lot of dog owners are unaware of. Your dog may not be sneezing, as humans would, but there are a number of other signs you can look out for. These include dogs scratching or nibbling at their body, licking or biting their paws or rubbing their face on furniture. If you do spot any of these signs in your furry friend, try boosting their skins defences by adding an Omega 3&6 supplement like YuMEGA Itchy Dog.
  • Summer skin care
As with humans, it is important to look after your dog’s skin in the summer particularly when temperatures start to rise. Sunburn is a key thing to look out for especially in pale coloured dogs and dogs with very short coats. Try to keep them in the shade where possible or use a dog-safe SPF. Hotspots on your dog’s skin may also be a problem; the humid weather can cause these hotspots to flare up. Keep an eye out and make sure you have some antibacterial YuCARE Skin Cream on hand. Finally, remember if it is too hot to walk barefoot on the pavement then it is too hot for your dog’s paws, so maybe wait a few hours until it is cooler for that promised walkies.
  • Be BBQ savvy
Everyone loves a Great British BBQ but lots of meat, heat and dogs don’t always happily mix. It’s important to set some ground rules with your guests to ensure they are strict with the treats and don’t feed your pooch, which we know can be hard when they look at you with those sad eyes. However as a precaution it’s important to keep a digestive supplement on hand, such as YuDIGEST PLUS for dogs, just in case your pooch sneaks a sausage when your back is turned.
  • Stress-free Summer
As much as we all love the warmer days summer also brings with it lots of excitement and adventures, however, this could potentially be stressful for some dogs. With all the extra travel, busy households with guests and parties or new unfamiliar surroundings nervous or sensitive dogs may struggle. A calming supplement like YuCALM Dog can be really helpful for putting anxious dogs at ease during the summer excitement.

John Davies, co-founder of Lintbells, said “We know how much fun these summer months can be for both owners and their dogs, but we are also passionate about ensuring dogs are kept well. We hope these top summer essential tips help dog owners across the UK to get their furry friends summer ready, and can enjoy the seasons safely.”

Chancellor of Birmingham City University, Sir Lenny Henry, has launched a new networking group for the institution in London.

‘BCU in London’ is open to graduates of the University – from senior leaders and up and coming professionals – who are based or have business-interests in the capital.

Sir Lenny Henry addressed some 100 distinguished guests and alumni gathered at the launch, and said: “We want this launch to form the basis of a strong and enduring network where graduates and friends of BCU can come together to forge professional links that recognise what you have in common and the expertise you have in your various disciplines.

Both online and in person, the aim of BCU in London is to bring our alumni together in a formidable network of professionals whose careers have been impacted by our University.”

Joining the Dudley-born actor, writer, comedian and charitable campaigner at the Institute of Directors in Pall Mall were notable figures including the Rt Hon Baroness Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, Lord Bruce Grocott, MP for Ladywood Shabana Mahmood and former MP for Edgbaston, Gisela Stuart.

Senior alumni representatives from organisations such as the BBC, EY, IBM, Sport England and Universal Music Group were also present at the event.

Praise the University’s positive impact on Birmingham, Sir Lenny said: “Birmingham City University has transformed the Eastside region of the city; its new Conservatoire, about to open in September on the City Centre Campus – the first in a generation for the UK; and its City South campus in Edgbaston, with fantastic new sports and health science facilities, is also set to open before the end of the year.

Add to that the wider changes to that have literally transformed the city over the past decade and its small wonder we want to shout about it.

In fact, one of the reasons we wanted to hold this event here in the capital is to show London that despite what’s happening in the West Midlands at the moment we don’t necessarily think the world revolves around Birmingham – some cool things come out of London too!”

Sir Lenny was installed as Chancellor of Birmingham City University in November 2016 when he stressed that “education is a right, not an accident of birth” in his inaugural speech.

With more than 24,000 students from 80 countries, Birmingham City University is a large, diverse and increasingly popular place to study – putting them at the heart of everything it does, giving them the best opportunities for future success.


Although the IAAF World Championships in London will be the focus for everyone this weekend, in just eight months’ time Birmingham will be staging its own world championships, when the IAAF World Indoor Championships returns to the city from 1 to 4 March.

It has been a busy few months for the organising team, which is mainly made up of representatives from Birmingham City Council and British Athletics, as in recent weeks the Championships timetable was unveiled, the official website was launched and tickets went on sale to priority groups - including athletics fans, clubs and members of the British Athletics Supporters Club, who between them snapped up 8,000 tickets in the first few hours.

As part of the timetable announcement it was confirmed that there will be six sessions for the Championships, with the IAAF Council approving an opening session on Thursday 1 March. It was also revealed that the women’s 3000m final, an event which saw Laura Muir take gold in the European Indoor Championships earlier this year, will now be part of the opening night, alongside both the men’s and the women’s high jump finals.

Tickets for the event, which will be held at Arena Birmingham*, start at just £5 for concessions and the event is fantastic value for families, as Championships Director Joan Durose explains: “We want to ensure that this event, which will see some of the world’s best athletes compete for world titles,  is accessible for local people and athletics fans across the country, so we’ve made sure that a family of four, with two adults and two children, can attend some sessions of the Championships for just £50.”

This week the official mascot for the Championships, Ruby the Red Panda, was launched. Ruby made her first ever appearance at the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park, which is just a few miles from Arena Birmingham.

The park was chosen as the ideal setting for Ruby’s unveiling, as they participate in a red panda breeding programme, to protect this endangered species, and have done since 2005, when one of the new arrivals, Babu, famously went missing. He was found four days later and returned to his enclosure. Babu was later named ‘Brummie of The Year’.

By having a red panda as the mascot, the organising team for the IAAF World Indoor Championships, hopes to raise awareness of the work that the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park does to help protect this endangered species. The mascot is named Ruby because of her sparkling personality and as a nod to the city’s famous Jewellery Quarter.

Grab your pirate hat, binoculars, wellies and a picnic and head for the top heritage gems along the country's beautiful waterways this summer.

Rich in history, with colourful canal boats and wonderful watery wildlife – the Canal & River Trust has over 2,000 miles of canals and rivers throughout England and Wales to explore. Whether you want to spot a family of ducks or the flash of a kingfisher, watch boats travel across soaring aqueducts or through a flight of lock gates, try a fishing taster course or simply enjoy spending time together - the whole family can enjoy an adventure for free at one of the Canal & River Trust's historical treasures.

To help you choose which of the country's miles and miles of canals and rivers to visit the Trust has put together a collection of local maps and activity sheets downloadable from Simply choose your destination and have a fun family day out.

New for family festival goers:

Across the country the summer waterway scene attracts hundreds of floating markets, fayres and music festivals – this year the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is set to host a major new waterway festival - the East London Waterway Festival on Monday 28th August 2017.

Celebrating London's local rivers and canals the festival marks the completion of Carpenters Road Lock that will allow boats to travel from the Old River Lea to Waterworks River for the first time in 40 years.

The celebration will include a boat flotilla, dragon boat racing, canoeing, stand up paddle boarding, rowing, pedalos and free boat trips. There will also be live music and dance performances, children's activities, heritage walks, food stalls, craft beer and more. In the evening Nomad Cinema will be hosting a screening in the lock, of the film 'How we used to Live', introduced by the writer Travis Elborough. Directions: Easy to access by train, tube or bus. From central London take either the Jubilee or Central Line to Stratford. Take the escalators up to 'the Street' and follow pedestrian signs. Carpenters' Lock, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London E20 2ST.

For fishing fun:

Let's Fish! Join the Canal & River Trust for free fishing taster sessions during the summer holidays. Gather your family and friends and head to your local waterway to experience the joy of catching big and little fish. Learn how to identify the variety of fish you find and enjoy the fun to be had counting your catch. Across the country the Canal & River Trust will be holding Let's Fish events – with professional fishing coaches to introduce you to the joy of fishing.

To find your nearest event and to book your free place visit

For wildlife lovers:

Built through a gap in the Chilterns near Tring, the Grand Union Canal changed this area forever with the building of four reservoirs to provide water – Tring Reservoirs. Today the reservoirs create a 263 acre Site of Special Scientific Interest and is one of the best birdwatching spots in southern England. In the summer watch swifts and common terns swooping over the water and in the evening spot pipistrelle bats hunting for insects. Directions: Tring Reservoirs, Startop's End Reservoir car park, Marsworth, Buckinghamshire HP23 4LJ.

Contrary to the doom and gloom predicted by many due to the uncertainty of Brexit, it seems that many within the West Midlands are quietly optimistic about the economy and their own job prospects.

Recent research conducted by YouGov on behalf of specialist recruiter Reed showed that out of the 2,000 people they asked 44 % of employees felt optimistic about their career prospects. With 45% of respondents saying they were looking for a new job or preparing to look for a new job. With 30% looking for a new job to improve their skills, and 33% saying they were looking for a new job to ensure they had a better working environment. These figures suggest that despite the gloomy predictions of many with the uncertainty over Brexit, many within the West Midlands are optimistic about the chance for economic prosperity and betterment within the next few years.

A further 53% of those surveyed said that they had been given a pay rise in 2016 compared to 37% who said they had when asked in 2015. The employees it seems are benefitting from the initial positive economic growth the UK experienced despite the Brexit vote.

As Claire Harvey, Senior Divisional Director of REED in the North said: “UK workers and businesses are confident that 2017 will be a great year for them and those in the Northern half of the country are no different. The jobs market always proves to be a good barometer for the economy and we believe this promising early indication is a sign of things to come. This research for 2017 shows that workers are confident to look for a new job despite the wider backdrop of leaving the EU.”

Clearly, despite the negativity of some, the people of West Midlands are positive and upbeat about their economic future and are working hard to ensure that that positivity is well justified and earned.

Clarke Willmott LLP’s 5-a-side football team has won the 2017 Birmingham Charity Football tournament raising money for the Child Brain Injury Trust.

The annual competition is organised by a committee of local businesses, coming together to support the Child Brain Injury Trust, a charity that supports children, young people and their families.

Helping them to come to terms with brain injury, which could be the result of accident, an illness such as meningitis or encephalitis, a poisoning, a stroke or a brain tumour, the charity offers guidance on how to deal with the uncertainty that the future may hold.

The tournament, organised by Kings Chambers, attracted a large turnout of 15 teams from local law firms, Barristers’ Chambers and other Birmingham businesses. After a league phase followed by knockout rounds, the final was a keenly contested affair between the team from Clarke Willmott LLP and No 5 Chambers. The final was a spectacle of end-to-end, attacking football, eventually won by a last minute goal by Clarke Willmott.

Philip Edwards, a Serious Injury expert and Corporate Social Responsibility Partner for Clarke Willmott said: “I am incredibly proud of our Clarke Willmott team in coming home with the trophy from this amazing event, and it was brilliant to see so many teams turn up and compete. Much more importantly, significant funds were raised for the fantastic Child Brain Injury Trust.

“I have seen first-hand the work they do to support young brain injury survivors and those around them. It really is invaluable, and makes such a difference.”

The local fund raising committee will now turn their attention to other events, with an afternoon tea and Christmas quiz planned – with the aim of raising more money to help the Child Brain Injury Trust support children who sustain brain injuries.

Clarke Willmott LLP is a national law firm with seven offices across the country, including Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton and Taunton.

Niantic Labs, the developer and publisher of Pokémon GO, The Pokémon Company International and Big Heritage, the UK heritage organisation, have partnered to curate historical locations throughout the ancient city of Chester within Pokémon GO to encourage community engagement and education.

On the weekend of Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of July, events will be staged across Chester, including activities based at Chester Castle, which will be open to the public for the first time in 20 years. Visitors to the city will be able to take part in a number of fun trail activities, with in-game and real-world surprises for Pokémon GO players. The weekend of events coincides with the annual Chester Heritage Festival, which celebrates the heritage of one of the world’s most historic cities.

Chester will play host to Pokémon GO Trainers visiting the UK from around the world, turning historical sites into PokéStops that players can interact with. Big Heritage will also be working with schools across the Cheshire and Merseyside regions as part of an initiative to encourage young people to explore and learn about their local area by playing Pokémon GO together.

Niantic CEO and founder John Hanke said "I am incredibly excited about this partnership linking local history and Pokémon GO.  We love the idea of using mobile games as a motivation for families to play outside together and perhaps to learn something interesting while they are at it!"

Big Heritage founder Dean Paton said “We are so excited about working with Niantic Labs, who are true innovators in their field, and as passionate as we are about getting people exploring and learning about the world around them. It’s a genuine coup for Chester to be the ‘test bed’ for some amazing new ideas, and we hope we can use the game based on the iconic and beloved Pokemon brand as a tool for helping more people get excited about the past.”

Get involved – use the hashtag #PokemonGO and let us know if you planning to join the festival by “attending” the event on the Big Heritage facebook page.