¾ Of Brits Learn Their DIY Skills From Google And Youtube - But Is DIY A Dying Trait?
We are coming to that time of the year again to dust off our toolboxes and get spring cleaning. A new report from Satsuma titled ‘Room for Improvement’ suggests that quite a few Brits will be putting their DIY skills to the test.
The survey quizzed 1,850 Brits about their knowledge of DIY and the financial implications of getting DIY wrong.
With the average DIY disaster costing £63 it raises the question of where budding DIY wannabes learn their skills, if they do at all!
Is DIY a dying trait?
With 28% of the UK admitting to not owning a toolbox, it would appear that the modern home would rather pay a professional than get their hands dirty. However, when asked where respondents learnt their DIY knowledge, a surprising 76% said YouTube or Google.
25% of the UK admit to guessing when it comes to DIY tasks with less than half (42%) saying it was a knowledge passed on from their family.
DIY disaster’s costs
With the above knowledge on DIY, it’s no wonder that it can sometimes go wrong.
Brits have been found to have an average of 4 DIY failures per year at an average cost of £63 per task. This means that the average house in the UK can expect to spend £239 per year in fixing their home improvement attempts!
Regions that know how to DIY
When asked if respondents knew how to do the following DIY tasks, it was clear that not all regions of the UK were as DIY savvy!
% of population who know how to fix the following:
Column1 | East Anglia | East Midlands | London | North East | North West | Northern Ireland | Scotland | South East | South West | Wales | West Midlands | Yorkshire and the Humber |
Change a lightbulb | 89.36% | 81.94% | 75.67% | 88.64% | 80.17% | 97.44% | 89.36% | 89.88% | 83.97% | 89.80% | 74.41% | 86.63% |
Fix a leaking tap | 30.85% | 47.22% | 47.33% | 36.36% | 43.53% | 20.51% | 38.30% | 36.90% | 32.06% | 37.76% | 44.55% | 36.14% |
Replace wall tiles | 35.11% | 44.44% | 48.13% | 47.73% | 43.97% | 41.03% | 38.30% | 40.48% | 44.27% | 40.82% | 46.92% | 37.62% |
Change a fuse | 64.89% | 63.89% | 57.75% | 76.14% | 62.07% | 61.54% | 70.21% | 70.83% | 67.18% | 69.39% | 59.72% | 69.80% |
Painting/ hanging wallpaper | 72.34% | 68.06% | 60.16% | 77.27% | 66.81% | 61.54% | 71.63% | 72.62% | 68.70% | 80.61% | 61.14% | 69.80% |
Bleeding radiators | 58.51% | 61.11% | 43.32% | 64.77% | 56.47% | 71.79% | 61.70% | 57.14% | 54.96% | 67.35% | 44.08% | 61.39% |
Home insulation | 19.15% | 27.78% | 22.46% | 22.73% | 24.14% | 28.21% | 16.31% | 18.45% | 25.95% | 19.39% | 21.80% | 26.24% |
Unblocking a drain | 53.19% | 58.33% | 50% | 62.50% | 56.90% | 56.41% | 58.16% | 63.10% | 57.25% | 65.31% | 41.23% | 62.38% |
None of the above | 2.13% | 1.39% | 2.67% | 2.27% | 7.76% | 2.56% | 2.84% | 4.17% | 3.82% | 2.04% | 2.84% | 3.47% |
Full data and information can be seen here